Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website blog.
Today, we are explaining【marking base line work】.

What is marking base line work?
Is it related to calligraphy using Japanese ink?
We would like to briefly explain to those who do not know about it well.
Marking base line work seems to be considered one of the important operation works to grasp design drawing and actual position. From the start to the end, it is connected with each site, and it is also related to various works.
It is a kind of operation work to write out necessary various base lines for the work on site ground and others.
We will explain especially for those who do not understand base lines,
It is base line to be when dividing measurement, placement and so on for design and processing of building and work piece and others, We measure the size from this line.
Two technical workers cooperate, and the one holds the base point, the other draw the ink line by prolonging the inked thread.
Writing out center line of pillar, wall and others is called 「centering」.
When marking base line work, dipping thread in ink pot and the like, and undip the thread, then you can draw straight line.
There are many kinds of ink pot(=operating tool), for your reference↓

We would like to explain kinds of marking base lines as follows.
・Land marking base line ink: ink to indicate horizontal line to make level standard on each floor.
・Center marking base line core ink: ink to indicate, becoming center place of pillar or wall.
・Return marking base line ink: ink at certain constant distance indicating actual distance(for example 1 m or 0.5 m) when unable to mark on concrete as existing of hindrance.

When marking base line, as for steel structure reinforcement work, concrete formwork, fixture work, metal work and so on, for many kind of works, the design drawing is drawn as actual size.
For this operation work, the right highly precisional positioning in accordance with the design drawing is required.
Nowadays, lightening laser by laser irradiator, the method of marking along the base line is also exercised.
Using laser by laser irradiator, it is easy to check if building pillar・wall・ceiling and others are at right angle and horizontal.

Did you understand above of our explanation even a little?
Marking is a necessary operation work for writing out various base lines.
In the event of making building, marking base line is an important process concerning from the start to the final.
Without exercising this operation accurately, it is impossible to construct the building properly.
When we ask our company staff worker about marking base line, the answer seems that
「In order not to arise base line gap, always be conscious of ‘’accuracy ’’ is the point of going on marking base line well.」.
That is all for our explanation today.
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