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什么是利基?| 施工现场事例: 在神奈川县小田原市 洗手间室内装饰工事

大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站

我们公司在东京都丰岛区池袋设立着办公室 ,在全日本各地正在从事施行 室内装饰最后加工工事・修复原状工事为主的室内装饰业界者。




今天,我们要介绍和说明一下 『利基』。

话说,,有些各位大概并不大听惯 利基 此词汇吧。


总而言之,它就是 在间隙做的产业,是不是啊?




看来,好像 它主要指的是「间隙」、「生态系统」、「避难所」的样子。

















通常,以 把墙壁挖进去5~10cmm左右就可以做。其进深度和尺寸,按照设置场所和目的可以调整。



基本上,利基是,把墙壁的一部分挖出来的空间。一般来说,结构上 在稳定的部分做它。



























  • ・瓷砖最后加工
  • ・涂装最后加工
  • ・粘贴所谓的装饰用织布最后加工
  • ・粘贴木材镶板最后加工


















以参考上记,我们打算此次介绍和说明一下 在洗手间室内装饰的利基。









利基墙壁 粘贴所谓的装饰用织布











以活用利基,我们相信 室内装饰会进一步成为很魅力的。










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从报价到施工完毕,我们公司全部都是亲自安排和做施工工事,我们的目标为 给客户供应「尽可能便宜的、质量高的好产品」。




地址: 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



ニッチとは?|事例:神奈川県小田原市 トイレ内装工事

On tacker and staple | Explaining the tools which are necessary to use for interior decorative work

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

We have been setting up our company office at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and are a work contractor taking charge of interior decorative work in all over Japan.


This time, we are introducing and explaining the necessary tools when carrying out interior decorative work.

A tool which we frequently use in the interior decorative work is【tacker】.







To begin with, what is tacker?


Tacker is a tool to fix network things such as cloth and wall paper to wooden materials and so on. Please take it as a big stapler. In order to use it, by loading a staple and press it in, then you can fix the materials. As there are various kinds of it, we will choose one respectively according to the usage.

This time, as it is the introduction as a tool, we are explaining the tackers of various usages.




The places of using tacker


According to the kinds of tacker as a tool, things to be fixed vary.

The places and scenes to be used as the interior decorative work are various such as:

  • Using for temporarily fixing gypsum board
  • Fixing heat insulating materials
  • Fixing curing sheets

and so on. It is used in various places.




This image is the one which is temporarily fixing rock wool sound absorbing board to the ceiling in the construction site.


The kinds of tacker


The above image is a scene of construction using air tacker.

There are several kinds of tacker.

In the above picture, it is a construction of using air tacker.


There are several kinds of tacker.

What are frequently seen in the interior decorative work are:


  • Gun tacker
  • Electric tacker
  • Air tacker
  • Floor tacker



1.Gun tacker

Quoted from ASUKURU website


Gun tacker」is a tacker of striking and fastening a needle by the same manner as stapler by pressing the handle.

We use it when striking and fastening thin materials.

In the interior decorative work site, we mainly use it for curing it and so on.



2.Electric tacker

by electric power:Quoted from MONOTAROU website

Electric tacker」is a tacker of striking and fastening the needle by electric power.

Unlike gun tacker, we do not need to put effort. So, it is suitable to continuous work operation.

It is lighter than air tacker.  So, it is very convenient to strike and fasten the needle only by pressing a button.

There is a plug-in type too, but a recharging type is becoming mainly used.

We use the either type respectively according to the using time and so on.



3.Air tacker


Air tacker」is a type of tacker to strike and fasten the needle by connecting with compressor by using strong power.
There are two kinds of it, one for high pressure type and another for normal pressure type. The products whose various functions were installed are popular too.
Pulling its trigger, and it will make a soundof ‘Pushuu’, then driving a needle into the object by air pressure. Installed are popular too.

Pulling the trigger, then the sound like ‘ Pushuu’ will come.
And we drive a needle into the object by air pressure.
So, the needle can be easily and strongly driven in.


But, if the air pressure of air compressor is strong, when driving it, the needle trace will be caved in. So, it needs to be adjusted.

It is also mainly used for the finishing driving-in of interior decorative material in the construction site, and heat insulating material fastening and so on. As it is strong, it can be also used for re-sticking thick leather products.



4.Floor tacker

Quoted from Amazon Japan website



「Floor tacker」is, according to the original name, it is a special exclusive tacker for driving needle into floor.

By using air compressor, we drive コ letter like needle into the object.


It is used for sticking wooden materials and so on to the floor.
In the case of「The floor is swelled」and/or「The floor is cracked」, when driving a needle into floor, this tacker is more recommendable to use this tacker than air tacker.




On the needle to use for tacker

What is the special needle?


It is the special needle for「tacker」.

This specialized needle is called stapler use needle, which is close to stapler like needle.

There are a few kinds of needles of these uses, such as コ shape・U shape・T shape. According to the electric tacker kinds, drivable needle kinds are different.

  • Theコshape needle can be firmly fixed.
  • The U shape needle’s fixed power is high, which is a firmly caved-in type.
  • When driving it into the object, as T shape needle is difficult to see from the material, the finished result looks very neat.


There are two kinds of needles which are mainly used in the interior decorative work.

They are「J line needle」and「MA line needle」staples.




On J line needle

In the normal case, we use J line needle. We use it for the construction of sticking the sheet, double layer sticking from above the groundwork board, and so on.

As we can also use J line needle by driving electric tacker・air taker, it is regarded as precious.





On MA line needle

Compared with J line needle, MA line one has become thicker and harder.

It is used for special cases such as hard boards and so on.

When we use it, we have to use air taker only.

If we should use electric tacker, it becomes non-standard.


As just our short talk, however even if a professional interior decorative worker drive about 15 places into the object by using a tacker, the needle scar and others are not distinctive.

If those who are amateur, drive a lot of needles in the object without practice, then scar will be rather distinctive. So, please request the professional people to do it for the interior decorative work by all means.




This time, we briefly introduced and explained tacker and staple in the interior decorative work.

Tacker is one of the very important tools for the interior decorative work and the construction work operation sites.

According to the purpose of its usage, we respectively use various tackers and the materials.

As various taker makers are manufacturing them, please try to use their usability and so on variously.

According to the kinds, the corresponding needles and so on are different. So, let’s confirm it sufficiently and select one in advance! Please enjoy your DIY(=do-it-yourself) by using your favorite tacker in the interior decorative work.


Please understand that we will execute construction in Japan only.






If you are considering to request us office building・tenant(shop or store)original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work, relocation, removal, reform work, and so on, please contact our company light heartedly by all means!



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You can also give us your relative inquiry from SNS social media. Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion, our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves. Our aim is, to supply「reasonable construction work as much as possible, with high quality, better work service」to our customers.

◆If you look for interior decorative work・Returning to original state and restoration work in Ikebukuro,Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot.Com.◆




4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226



Japanese Blog

タッカーとステープルについて | 内装工事に必要な工具のご紹介

사무실의 바닥공사|쾌적한 직장환경을 만들기 위한 중요한 요소를 소개


저희 회사는 도쿄도 도시마구이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 관동일대에서 인테리어공사・원상회복공사를 운영하고 있습니다.


사무실의 건설이랑 리모델링에 있어서 바닥공사는 아주 중요한 역할을 합니다.

바닥은 사무실내부의 기반이고 종업원의 쾌적성이랑 작업효율, 그리고 사무실의 분위기에 큰 영향을 가져다 주기 때문입니다.

여기서는 사무실의 바닥공사에 대하여 간단하게 설명하겠습니다.





사무실의 바닥에는 다양한 재료가 사용됩니다.

목재바닥,카펫,비닐타일,콘크리트등이 일반적입니다.

바닥재의 선택은 사무실의 용도랑 디자인,내구성등을 고려하여 진행됩니다.

목재바닥은 따뜻함이 있고, 카펫은 방음성이 높고, 비닐타일은 유지보수가 쉬운등 각자의 특성을 살린 선택이 중요합니다.

바닥재를 선택할때는 여러가지 요소를 고려할 필요가 있기 때문에

아래와 같이 바닥재의 선택에 있어서 중요한 요소를 요약하였습니다.


용도와 디자인:

사무실용도나 디자인콘셉트에 맞추어서 바닥재를 선택합니다.

예를 들면 깨끗한 인상이 필요하면 밝은색상의 바닥재 또는 광택이 있는 재료

를 선택하는것이 적절합니다.


내구성과 유지보수성:

바닥재의 내구성과 유지보수성은 중요한 요소입니다.

사무실에서는 많은 사람이 이용하기 때문에 내마모성이랑 더러움에 강한 바닥재를 선택하는것이 중요합니다.또 유지보수가 쉽고 청소하기 쉬운 바닥재를 선택하는것으로 청결한 환경을 유지하기 쉽게 됩니다.


쾌적성과 건강성:

바닥의 쾌적성과 건강성도 중요한 요소입니다.

발의 부담을 경감시키는 쿠션성이 있는 바닥재랑 바닥난방과 잘 어울리는 재료를 선택하는것으로 직원의 직장환경의 쾌적성을 향상시킬수 있습니다.

또 알레르기를 유발하는 먼지와 세균의 번식을 억제하는 물질을 선택하여 건강한 환경을 제공할수 있습니다.


시공코스트와 내용연수:

바닥재의 선택에는 시공코스트와 내용연수의 균형도 고려할 필요가 있습니다.

저가격의 바닥재를 선택하는 경우에도 장기적인 내구성이나 유지보수비용을 고려하는것이 중요합니다.

고품질의 바닥재는 초기투자가 많아지는 경우가 있지만, 내구성이랑 미관을 유지하기 위한 효과적인 선택으로 됩니다.



닥의 기초처리

바닥공사에서는 바닥의 기초처리도 중요한 공정입니다.

바닥의 기초가 불충분하면 바닥재가 벗겨지기 쉽고 편안함과 내구성이 훼손되는 경우가 있습니다.

적절한 기초처리를 진행하지 않으면 바닥전체의 안전성이나 내구성에 영향을 가져다 주기에 찬찬한 작업이 필요됩니다.


아래에 바닥재처리의 상세한것을 소개하겠습니다.


1.확인과 보수:

바닥의 기초처리는 먼저 상태를 확인하는것부터 시작됩니다.

불균일,균열 또는 고르지 않은 표면등과 같은 문제가 있으면 그러한것을 수리합니다.

오목하게 파인 부분은 모르타르나 셀프레벨링 컴파운드를 사용하여 평활한 표면으로 수복하여 균열된 부분은 적절한 보수재로 보수합니다.



바닥의 기초는 먼지랑 더러움이 부착되어 있는 경우가 있습니다.

시공전에 충분한 청소를 진행하는것으로 바닥의 기초표면을 깨끗하게 하고 또 시공후의 접착력을 향상시킵니다. 청소에는 브러시,걸레,청소기등을 사용하여 먼지와 더러움을 깨끗하게 제거합니다.


3.기초처리재의 시공:

바닥의 기초가 보수되고 청소되면 기초처리재가 시공됩니다.

기초처리재는 바닥의 표면을 균일화하고 바닥재의 접착성을 증가시키는 역할을 합니다.

일반적으로 프라이머(기초조정제) プレスタイルメントコンパウンド??등의 기초처리재가 사용됩니다.

이러한 재료는 바닥의 표면을 매끄럽게 하고 흡수성을 제어하여 바닥재의 접착성을 향상시킵니다.


4.건조와 경화:

기초처리재를 시공한후는 적절한 건조시간과 경화시간을 확보할 필요가 있습니다.

기초처리재의 건조시간이랑 경화시간은 재료의 종류랑 기후조건에 따라 다르지만,시공전에 제조회사의 지시에 따라 적절한 시간을 확보하는것이 중요합니다.



기초처리가 끝나면 최종적인 점검을 진행합니다.

바닥의 표면이 균일하고 매끄럽고 기초처리재가 적절하게 경화되고 건조되였는가를 확인합니다.


이상의 공정을 찬찬하게 실시하는것으로 바닥의 기초처리를 효과적으로 진행할수 있습니다.



시공기술의 중요성



바닥공사는 전문적인 기술과 경험이 필요한 작업입니다.

바닥재의 정확한 치수측정 및 적절한 접착제의 선택등 상세하고 찬찬한 작업이 불가결합니다.

시공기술의 향상에 의해 바닥의 내구성이나 외형의 아름다움이 확보됩니다.

그 이유는 아래와 같습니다.



【정확한 치수측정】

바닥재를 정확하게 측정하고 적절하게 배치하는것은 바닥전체의 미관이랑 균형을 유지하는데 중요합니다.

시공자는 전문적인 측정기술을 가지고 바닥의 모양이랑 치수에 맞춰서 재료를 끊는 능력이 요구됩니다.


【적절한 접착재의 선정】

바닥재를 적절하게 고정하기 위해서는 적절한 접착재를 선정하는것이 중요합니다.

시공자는 바닥재의 종류랑 바닥기초의 상황을 고려하여 적절한 접착제를 선택합니다.

또 접착제의 적절한 양과 도포방법도 시공기술의 일환입니다.


【깔끔한 마무리】

바닥의 마무리에는 시공자의 기술이 직접 영향합니다.

깔끔한 마무리는 바닥전체의 미관을 높일뿐만 아니라 내구성이랑 유지보수성도 향상시킵니다.

시공자는 찬찬한 작업을 유의하고 바닥을 매끄럽게 마무리하기 위한 숙련된 기술을 가지고 있습니다.


【재료의 적절한 취급】

바닥공사에는 여러 종류의 재료가 사용됩니다.

시공자는 각자의 재료의 특성을 이해하고 적절한 취급방법을 알아야 합니다.

예를 들면 목재바닥이랑 타일등의 바닥재는 습기랑 온도의 영향을 받기 쉽기 때문에 적절한 보관이랑 취급이 필요합니다.



시공중에 문제가 발생한 경우, 그것을 해결하는 능력도 시공기술의 일부입니다.

시공자는 신속하게 대처하고 최상의 해결책을 찾기 위해 경험과 지식을 활용합니다.


이상과 같이 바닥공사의 시공기술은 바닥의 품질이랑 내구성,미관을 확보하는데 있어서 불가결합니다.

경험이 풍부한 시공업이 높은 기술과 꼼꼼한 작업을 진행하는것으로 품질이 높은 바닥을 실현할수 있습니다.



쾌적한 직장환경의 실현

사무실바닥공사는 종업원의 쾌적성이나 작업효율을 향상시키는 중요한 요소입니다.

적절하게 시공된 바닥은 걸을때의 쾌적함이랑 발자국소리기 조용하고 청결감도 제공합니다.

쾌적한 바닥의 환경은 직원의 동기부여랑 생산성향상에 연결됩니다.





사무실의 바닥공사는 쾌적한 직장환경을 실현하기 위한 중요한 요소입니다.

적절한 바닥재의 선택과 시공기술의 향상에 의해 직원의 만족도랑 생산성을 향상시킬수 있습니다.

쾌적한 사무실환경을 실현하기 위하여 바닥공사의 중요성을 이해하고 적절한 대책을 진행합시다.


저희 회사에서는 경험이 풍부한 전문가가 높은 기술을 구시하여 고품질의 바닥공사를 제공합니다.

손님의 요구에 맞추어서 최적의 바닥재재료를 선택하고 시공기술을 개선하여 아름다운 사무실환경의 실현을 지원합니다.



오피스빌딩테넌트(가게) 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.

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 으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 3빌딩 4

TEL : 0120-978-226



【A terminology explanation】The usages of LGS(=light gauge steel) | Interior decorative groundwork

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website, a personnel in charge.

We have been setting up our company office at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and we are an interior decorative work contractor, mainly taking charge of construction of Interior decorative finishing work・original state recovery and restoration work in all over Japan.


This time, as one of Terminology series after a certain time, by going back to the basic, we are introducing and explaining『light gage steel』once again.

I briefly do the roundup in my own way, then I am going to introduce it to you based on the construction pictures.

As this article is easy to read through, please browse it light heartedly.


What is light gauge steel?

Light gauge steel (LGS) is a construction material made by cold forming of thin steel.
It is widely used as a structural material of architecture.
While its weight is light, it has high strength too.
So, it is variously used in the places such as housings, commercial facilities, industrial use buildings, and so on.


The silver-colored material installed in the ceiling and wall is LGS.

The silver-colored material installed in the ceiling and wall is LGS.



The feature of LGS


「Light weight」-ness also in its term name

Compared with the conventional steel frame, it is very light.

As its transportation and construction are easy to do, it is used in a lot of construction sites.


※Conversation only here confidentially:

It is lighter than other conventional steel frames.
But, when we are asked if it is possible even for a female also can easily hold it, we will answer that, although it is relatively lighter than other construction materials.
But, whether even a female feels that she 「can hold it easily or not」, it depends on the size and length of the steel frame, and each person’s physical strength too.

LGS pillars and beams change the weights according to the cross-section area and length.

Generally, the weight of a piece of LGS steel frame varies from about a few kilograms to a few tens of kilograms.

However, it is also important in the lifting up pose and holding way.

If it is small sized, it may be easy to hold it.
But, if it is long and thick, the weight balance is sometimes difficult to keep it.
Chances are that it may be difficult only for one person to move it.

As the safety side is considered, moving it by plural persons and using appropriate equipment are recommended.
So, in the case of only one person will move or make landing it, let’s be careful!



Steel frame in its typical highly「strength」

While its weight is light, as it has very high strength too, it is suitable for a building where earthquake resistant property and durability are required.

If we briefly explain tensile strength of steel used for LGS, it seems that「Even if we hang the steel of every 1 square millimeter cross-section area like thin needle of it(=structural steel) on the steel frame of the weight about 40~55 kilograms, it will not be broken.」.


Material quality in its typical「durability」performance

Steel material is resistant to corrosion and insect damage.
So, it will exhibit its stable performance for a long time.

As for its durability, it is usually said that the duration of life is 50~100 years.

In the case of appropriate designing and protection are applied, it is possible to use it within this range without any problems.

However, if the problems of rust and/or corrosion go fast, depending on its maintenance, the durability of life may be shortened sometimes too.


For your reference, in the case of using it as a building interior decorative groundwork, as the groundwork of a ceiling and wall, compared with wooden material, it is lighter and has more strength too.
Therefore, it is recommendable to use it, as it has a high long-term durability.


The merits of LGS


The freedom of designing

As abovementioned, LGS is light, and has high strength as well.
As you can choose one from various cross-section shape type, such as C type, L type, and so on, it is a material whose freedom of designing is very high.

As you can take column interval wider than wooden material, you can secure a large space. An open and few pillar design is possible.

As it is also easy to process it in the work site, and fine adjustment and complex shape corresponding can be easy to do too, it is suitable for curvilinear design and special interior decoration too.


In addition, as it is possible to flexibly correspond to extension, reconstruction, and renovation, it can be easily correspond to change the design in the future too.

As it is used in various buildings such as housings, commercial facilities, factories, and so on, LGS is an excellent construction material which will realize free design for wide usages.



As the reason of its high earthquake resistant property, you can also use it in earthquake frequently striking areas with ease too.
And, also as for fire breakout, it has a certain fireproofing property.

The reason why the earthquake resistant property is high is, as its name suggests, LGS is light. So, as it can control the weight of entire building, when earthquake strikes, the burden of earthquake shaking becomes small.

In addition, as steel frame has strength and tenderness together too, it also flexibly corresponds to earthquake power.
So, the damage and injury can be controlled to minimum.


The construction site example of LGS

We are introducing and explaining a part of construction site example.
LGS is being widely applied to the following architecture.



Housing apartment



LGS is being used as a structural material of the living space such as in single-family dwellings.

It ts light and has highly strength, multiple dwelling, and so on.

As it is light and has high strength, it is the most suitable to the building where earthquake resistant property and durability are required.


Commercial facility



It is the work of a tenant in a commercial facility.
It is the state of making the groundwork of curved wall.


By using R processed runner (rounding corner processing) , it is possible to make a built-in gypsum board wall which has designability.



LGS is a very excellent construction material which is light, and has high strength and durability.
The freedom of designing is high, so, it is being widely used for various buildings, such as housings, commercial facilities, and so on.
As it is also excellent in earthquake resistant property and fireproofing property, it can secure safety, more and more demands are being expected continuously.




Our company is taking charge of a lot of interior decorative work and original state recovery and restoration work by using LGS.

If you are interested in these, please give us your inquiry from the following「inquiry」light heartedly!




Please understand that we will execute construction in Japan only.





If you are considering to request us office building・tenant(shop or store)
original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work, relocation,
removal, renovation work, and so on,
please contact our company light heartedly by all means!


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You can also give us your relative inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion,
our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.

Our aim is, to supply
「reasonable construction work as much as possible,
with high quality, better work service」to our customers.



If you look for interior decorative work・
Returning to original state and restoration work in Ikebukuro,
Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot.Com.



4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome,
Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226



원상복구공사의 포인트! 임대부동산을 원래의 깨끗한 상태로 되돌리는 방법


저희 회사는 도쿄도 도시마구이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 관동일대에서 인테리어공사・원상회복공사를 운영하고 있습니다.

사무실의 인테리어공사에 대해서 궁금한것이 있으시면 부담없이 상담・문의해주십시오.


이번에는 「원상복구공사의 포인트! 임대부동산을 원래의 깨끗한 상태로 되돌리는 방법」에 대하여 소개해드리겠습니다.




원상복구공사의 포인트! 임대부동산을 원래의 깨끗한 상태로 되돌리는 방법

임대주택을 빌릴때 계약조건중의 하나에 「원상복구공사」가 있습니다.

입주시의 상태로 부동산을 되될리기 위한 공사로, 순리로운 퇴거와 다음의 입주자에게 쾌적한 환경 제공에 빠뜨릴수 없습니다.


그럼,구체적인 내용을 소개하겠습니다.


1.벽지와 바닥재의 교환

입주시에 새로운 상태이였던 벽지랑 바닥재가 시간과 사용에 따라 손상되거나 더러워지는 경우가 있습니다.

원상복구공사에서는 이 벽지나 바닥재를 원래의 깨끗한 상태로 되돌리기 위한 교환작업이 진행됩니다.

색깔이랑 질감이 맞는 소재를 골라 방전체가 일체감이 있는 공간으로 되게끔 주의할 필요가 있습니다.


2.상처나 구멍의 보수

벽이나 천장에 생긴 상처나 구멍은 입주자에 의한 이동이나 가구설치로 인해 생긴 경우가 있습니다.

원상보구공사에서는 이러한 상처나 구멍을 전용의 보수재를 사용하여 수복합니다.

균일한 표면으로 마무리하는것으로 방전체의 미관을 유지할수 있습니다.


3.주방이랑 욕실의 클리닝과 수복

주방이랑 욕시등은 물의 사용이랑 더러움이 많이 발생하는 장소입니다.

원상복구공사에서는 이러한 장소를 철저하게 클리닝하고 더러움이랑 먼지랑 곰팡이를 제거합니다.

또 누수나 배관문제가 있는 경우에는 수리작업도 진행하고 다음의 입주자에게 쾌적한 상태를 제공합니다.


4.조명기구의 수리와 교환

조명기구는 방전체의 분위기를 크게 좌우하는 요소입니다.

고장난 조명기구의 수리랑 오래된것의 교환이 진행되어 밝고 기분좋은 환경을 제공합니다.

또 조명의 위치랑 종류를 궁리하는것으로 방의 인상을 바꿀수도 있습니다.


5.문이랑 창문의 수리와 도장

문이랑 창문은 일상의 사용으로 손상하기 쉬운 곳입니다.

원상복구공사에서는 작동불량의 수리랑 도장을 진행하고 외관뿐만 아니라 기능도 원래대로 되돌립니다.

바람이랑 비로부터 실내를 지키는 역할을 하기 때문에 확실하게 손질하는것이 중요합니다.



공사의 프로세스와 주의점

원상복구공사는 전문의 시공업자에 의뢰하는것이 일반적입니다.

공사의 프로세스는 아래와 같은 흐림이 많습니다.


현지조사와 견적

시공업자가 부동산을 조사하고 필요한 공사내용과 비용을 견적합니다.



견적에 따라 공사를 실시합니다.

작업은 전문적인 지식과 기술이 필요하기 때문에 전문가에게 맡기는것을 추천합니다.


확인과 인도

공사가 끝나면 오너랑 관리회사와 같이 건물의 상태를 확인하고 문제가 없으면 인도합니다.



주의점으로서는 공사내용이랑 비용에 대한 계약서를 사전에 잘 확인하고 명확한 이해를 얻는것이 중요합니다.

또 공사할때는 건물의 소유자랑 관리회사와 커뮤니케이션을 확인하면서 진행하는것도 중요합니다.




원상회복공사는 임대부동산을 빌릴때의 중요한 일환입니다.

입주자로서는 이 공사를 통하여 책임을 다하고 다음의 입주자에게 쾌적한 공간을 제공할수 있는것이 중요합니다.

전문가의 시공업자의 협력을 얻으면서 벽지랑 바닥재의 교환,상처랑 구멍의 보수,주방이나 샤워룸등의 클리닝과 수복,조명기구의 수리와 교환,문과 창문의 수리와 도장등, 여러가지 작업을 진행하여 임대부동산의 좋은 상태를 유지합시다.


아래의 블로그도 같이 읽어주십시오.

원상복구공사(사무실・점포의 이전)를 인테리어공사회사에 의뢰하는 장점이란?







이상, 원상복구공사(사무실점포의 이전) 인테리어공사회사에 의뢰하는 장점이란?

라는 테마로 설명하였습니다.



  • 많은 경은 점포랑 사무실등 사업용으로서 빌린 부동상에서는 퇴거할때 원상복구공사가 필수입니다
  • 원상복구공사라고 한마디로 말하여도 그 내용은 다방면이므로,임대차계약서를 잘 읽고 확인해야 한다
  • 공사의 견적이랑 의뢰하는 회사에 따라 장점,단점이 있기 때문에 경우에 따라 각자 검토하는것을 추천합니다.



인테리어공사회사로서의 주관적인 의견이지만,이상의 점으로부터 원상복구공사의 견적이랑 의뢰는 먼저 인테리어공사회사안에서 비교・검토하시는것을 추천합니다.


일반주택이거나 상가,사무실등에 있어서 퇴거시의 원상복구공사를 검토하시는 분은 부담없이 문의해주십시오.빠른 상담,도와드리겠습니다.





오피스빌딩테넌트(가게) 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.

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 으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 3빌딩 4

TEL : 0120-978-226




大家好! 我们里是 公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站的主管人员。


本公司是 在东京都丰岛区池袋设立着办公室 ,在全日本正在从事施行 室内装饰最后加工工事・修复原状工事为主的室内装饰业界者。


我们回到基本,重新来介绍和说明一下 『轻量型钢』






















但是,一位女性也是否感觉「可以轻轻地拿到」,那个就是 根据钢骨的尺寸、







因为轻量型钢又轻又有非常高的强度,它适合于 有耐震性能和耐久性能要求的建筑物。

如果我们简单地说明 使用于轻量型钢钢材抗拉强度的话,
「在 好像很细针似的截面积为1平方毫米的钢骨,挂掉大约40~55公斤的重量也坏不了。」





事到 它的耐久年数,通常的场合,据说50年~100年的样子。











并且,因为 在工事现场的加工可以做得很容易,很细的调整和很复杂的对应也可以简单地做到,所以它也适合于做曲线的图案设计和特殊的室内装饰。















我们要介绍和说明一下 施工事例的一部份。


















因为它也被确保安全性能,所以 今后,对它的需要也越来越会增高。



本公司,正在承受施工很多数量 使用轻量型钢的室内装饰工事和修复原状工事。







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从报价到施工完毕,我们公司全部都是亲自安排和做施工工事,我们的目标为 给客户供应「尽可能便宜的、质量高的好产品」。




地址: 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



Farewell party for a staff worker and Hokuriku district trip-Second part【at Kanazawa city and Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture】

Hello, everyone!
We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website, personnel in charge.


Our company office is set up at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and we are an interior decorative construction work contractor, mainly taking charge of interior decorative finishing work・original state recovery and restoration work in all over Kanto district for you.


To those who suffered from Noto earthquake disaster in 2024,

We express our wholehearted sympathy to you.


We visited Kanazawa to have a farewell party for our staff worker the other day.

It was a two-night three-day trip, which makes our three-part introductions.

This article is「the second part」, a continuing of the last one.

If you did not read the first part, please read its blog first.


Farewell party for a staff worker and Hokuriku district trip-First part【at Kanazawa city and Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture】



We think we are mainly introducing the sightseeing spots at Yamanaka hot spring on the second day.


The sightseeing route is,

Ayatori bridge→Kakusen-kei valley parade(river bed)→Kourogi bridge→Yuge roadway


We walked all around the entire Yamanaka hot spring.



Yamanaka hot spring

Yamanaka hot spring


We started from the hotel at 9 am, and visited Yamanaka hot spring in Kaga city by chartered bus.


Photo spot, logo mark of Yamanaka hot spring, Yamanaka-za square



Yamanaka hot spring is a hot spring at old Yamanaka-cho, Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture.

It is a town name of Kaga city too.

It is a historical hot spring area from old era, and occupies a place of Kaga hot spring village.


We firstly go to Ayatori bridge now.


Ayatori(meaning cat’s cradle) bridge


Walking on Ayatori bridge.




Ayatori bridge is a bridge suspended over Dai-shouji river, and, to be exact, it is used as pedestrian bridge.

This bridge is unique S-shaped.
Because of its undulated unique steel bone shape, it is described「like playing cat’s cradle」, which was thus named.


Its shape and beautiful red and purple color has a modern of what we cannot find anywhere else.

The total length is 94.7 m, and the width is 1.5 m, which is a bridge only for pedestrians.

The view sight of Kakusen-key valley from which we can see, can be really suiting to call as superb.


Crossing Ayatori bridge, we go on sightseeing along Kakusen-kei valley walkway.


Kakusen-kei valley river bed



River bed


Walking toward Kourogi bridge along Kakusen-kei valley walkway, there is a resting place on the way.


Kakusen-kei valley river bed is, located between Ayatori bridge and Kourogi bridge which is a resting spot and boating as the most beautiful valley and a Kakusen-kei’s the most beautiful place in Hokuriku district.


At「Kakusen-kei valley river bed」, which is boasting best as valley beauty in Hokuriku district, we can spend a while with tastes where there only exists, while watching the valley’s profound green, clear water stream, spring new green, and fall red leaves.



※Further note

Riverbed is a seat which is situated beside the river. It is a place where you can enjoy with food, drink, and tea, while hearing the river streaming sound.

The seating area is arranged at Kakusen-kei valley riverbed. When using it, the cost is \300 per head besides food and drink price.

The business hours are 9:30~16:00 from April 1 to October 31, and 10:0~15:00 from November 1 to November 30. It is closed in winter and other seasons.


After taking enough rest, we go to Kourogi bridge.


Kourogi(meaning cricket) bridge



Kourogi bridge




We think we are briefly introducing Kourogi bridge.

【A historical bridge in Yamanaka hot spring】

It is a bridge sustained on Dai-seiji river in Yamanaka hot spring, which was built in Edo period. After that, it was re-built a few times. Then, the 4th generation bridge was born in 2019.

This bridge is a symbol of Yamanaka hot spring. In 1978, Higuch Kanako who mainly played as an actress in the same named TV dramas was broadcasted.


【Harmony with nature】

Kourogi bridge is a historical bridge sustained on beautiful Dai-seiji river, as well as continuing to have its dignity in the modern times too.

From the bridge, Kakusen-kei beautiful valley is expanded where continues about 1km.

We can be fully satisfied with the natural beauty in each season.


【The name origin】

There are a few possible name origin stories of Kourogi bridge. We are not certain which is correct.

However, while feeling the harmony with bridge history and nature, it is making a special place for its visitors.


We so far briefly introduced as above. We hear that Kourogi bridge is a very important bridge made of hinoki cypress wood to connect to Kakusen-kei valley.


※Further note

In addition to Ayatori bridge and Kourogi bridge which we passed this time, there is a black and decent Kurotani bridge too in Kakusen-kei valley.


What is Kurotani bridge?

It is sustained at the most downstream place in Kakusen-kei valley.

As it makes a big pool, strange shaped rock・famous water fall of added elegance are called Kurotani or black valley, and makes profound arch shape, it became to be called Kurotani bridge. In addition, it is haiku poet Matsuo Basho’s favorite place too, he used to make a haiku whenever he visited the place.

Kurotani bridge」was changed to a stone bridge in 1935. Until that time, it had been sustained as wooden bridge. The road access to the bridge is also called「Naya road」, and it passed to Naya temple and Komatsu over ridge.


We went through Kourogi bridge, then came to a road, there was a hot spring area there.


Yamanaka hot spring-Yuge roadway



Arong Yuge roadway


Yuge roadway, south village of Yamanaka hot spring is located at the center of hot spring, and is the roadway about 600 m from「Kikuno-yu」 to near「Kourogi bridge」.

At the both sides of roadway, there are a lot of spots where sightseeing guests can enjoy.

It consists of various categories of shops, such as Yamanaka lacquer ware born at the traditional Yamanaka hot spring, Kutani pottery traditional artifact gallery, souvenir shops, café, restaurant and so on.


Our recommendable shops among them are:

①Yamanaka tasty place Kompa-tei・Hashizume-an:Restaurant where you can taste Yamanaka dishes「Yamanaka soba noodles」

Meat Izumi-ya: Restaurant where you can enjoy dishes of using specialty meat

Home-made rice cracker・Dango kokoya: Shop where you can enjoy hand-made confection

Yamanaka lacquer ware Otakara-kura: selling Yamanaka lacquer ware and having exhibition area


In addition, along south village Yuge roadway, there is a hot spring village where it is good for loitering.


①Lacquer art Bunpei-dou: Old lacquer shop descending Yamanaka lacquer tradition to now.

②Orgel house: Facilility you can enjoy with hand-made orgel


Minami-machi Yuge roadway is a hot spring street fitting nicely for a slow walking.

There is a vast charming splendid view of village street full of nature all around, and while touching hot spring emotion, you can enjoy walking around.


Please visit the place by all means!




We had tasty lunch at the hot spring village!



Rice wine club-Kubode


Location: Yamanaka hot spring minami-machi ヨ1, Kaga city, Ishikawa prefecture

Business hours: 10:0~17:00
9:00~15:00(Thursday only)
10:00~18:00(year end, New year)

Opens all the year



Rice wine club selling place



Raw fish set lunch


As it is rice wine shop and food and drink restaurant, it is possible to buy liquor instantly and enjoy drinking it.

This time, while drinking Kaga rice wine「Kagatobi」in sake cup, we had raw fish set menu together. Hand-made tsukudani, fresh raw fish and so on, all of the menu were tasty, particularly fresh prawn was chewy and exquisite.


After lunch, then we got on the bus, and returned to the hotel again.

As we walked very much and also drank sake, we were fast asleep dreaming in the bus.

We arrived at the hotel, and had some rest, then we moved to Kanazawa castle park on foot.


Kanazawa castle park

Location: 1-1, Marunouchi, Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture
Business hours: 8:00~17:00
Light-up: Sunset~21:00
Opens all the year


Light-up event of「Light festival」which was made by the collaboration with teamLabo was held at Kanazawa castle park at night.


What is teamLabo?

teamLabo is doing an art project called「Digitized City」. It is a project of changing the building and the field by non-physical digital technology into art space as it is, not by physically changing it, but by fully using digital technology.


We are introducing a few products with catchphrase this time.


Flowers living in Kanazawa castle stone wall, and animals surviving together




Flowers living in Kanazawa castle stone wall, and animals surviving together



Flowers resembling creature are vividly projected on the stone wall.



「Animals are made by flowers continuing birth and death with the stone wall. Flowers are slowly changing in bloom according to the seasons. After animal flowers are scattered and gone, its animals will die and vanish.」


Trees hailing each other


Trees hailing each other




There are flowers of trees here, and lights are attached on the trees, so you can enjoy watching the clear view.

Walking there, we felt as if we were not in this world, but were straying into fantastic space.



「Trees are sparkling. Tree lights are independent each other, and the lights are on and off as if breezing slowly. The lights on the trees change colors as people go by, and make special sound as the colors. The tree lights are propagated to nearby trees one by one. While it makes sound, it goes on continuing. If lights come up from trees afar, it means that there are people over there. People are probably recognize their existent in the same space usually.」


Besides, there are egg shape shining balloon jumbling area, area of let drawn picture reflect screen by using special projector and move it, an area where you can communicate, and so on. We could thus experience teamLabo’s awesomeness.


※The collaboration event with teamLabo was held from September 30 to November 20 in 2023.

The usual light-up




We moved to Kanazawa station after Kanazawa castle park next. Then, it is our introduction of long awaited dinner time.



Kata-machi Izaka-ya Uo-gyuu

Location: Sun rose Kata-machi 6F, 2-24-11, Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture

Business hours: Monday~Thursday, Sunday:18:00~3:00
Friday, The day before holiday:17:00~4:00

Opens all the year


Sushi of meat covered all over



We ordered a course menu with abundant kinds of liquor and soft drink of all-you-can-drink, so the dishes are served on and on by using much meat richly. Then finally, satisfying gorgeous meat sushi was served.


The enjoyable party temporarily came to an end, then, some returned to the hotel, the others went to a next drinking place. Thus, the second day ended.




We went sightseeing around Yamanaka hot spring on the second day.
Going through Ayatori bridge and Kakusen-kei valley promenade, we crossed Kourogi bridge, then moved to Yamanaka hot spring Yuge roadway. Then, we went sightseeing at Kanazawa castle park.

At the riverbed in Kakusen-kei valley, while being satisfied with seeing the beautiful valley scene, we could enjoy seated for a while with tea.

Kanazawa castle park which we visited in the evening was accidentally holding teamLabo collaboration event of「Light festival」, where we were satisfied with spending a while that we cannot think it to be a reality.


Please be sure to read the coming third part by all means!



Please understand that we will execute construction in Japan only.




If you are considering to request office building
・tenant(shop or store)original state recovery and restoration work,
moving in work,relocation, removal,reform work,
and so on to us, please contact our company light heartedly by all means!

Instagram     Twitter     Facebook  

You can also give us your relative inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion, our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.
Our aim is, to supply「reasonable construction work as much as possible, with high quality, better work service」to our customers.


◆If you look for interior decorative work・Returning to original state and restoration work in Ikebukuro,Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot.Com.◆


4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226



【石川県の魅力を満喫】社員旅行におすすめの観光スポットを紹介 -中編-

사무실의 원상복구공사의 중요성과 순서를 해설|실례와 함께 치요다구 사무실


저희 회사는 도쿄도 도시마구이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 관동일대에서 인테리어공사・원상회복공사를 운영하고 있습니다.


이번에는 사무실의 원상복구공사의 중요성과 순서에 대하여 설명하겠습니다.



사무실이랑 점포등의 상업시설을 이용할때 계약종료시에는 원상복구공사가 필수불가결합니다.

그럼 그 공사에는 어떠한 내용이 포함되어 있고 비용이 얼마쯤 들겠습니까?

그리고 저희회사에 의뢰하는것으로 가질수 있는 장점은 무엇일까요?


1.테리어공사전문이 사무실의 원상복구공사를 실례와 함께 설명


사무실내에서 칸막이벽의 설치랑 바닥의 수복,도장의 보수등,원상복구공사에는 여러가지 작업이 포함됩니다.

예를 들면 테넌트가 입주할때 사무실내의 칸막이벽을 설치한 경우, 계약종료시에는 그 칸막이벽을 철거하고 원래의 상태로 되돌릴 필요가 있습니다.

또 바닥이랑 천장의 수복,도장의 보수등도 포함됩니다.

인테리어공사전문가는 전문지식과 경험으로 원활하게 이러한 작업을 실시해 사무실의 원상회복을 확실하게 실시합니다.


치요다구에 있는 사무실은 이전공사이기 때문에 칸막이벽의 설치를 원래의 상태로 되돌려야 필요가 있기에 해체를 진행하여 보수를 하였습니다.


千代田区オフィス 原状回復工事

치요다구사무실 원상복구공사


비용도 시설의 상태랑 작업내용에 따라 다릅니다.

일반적으로는 작업비용이외에도 폐기물처분비용이랑 재료비등이 들지만, 저희 회사에서는 적절한 견적을 진행하여 예산을 명확하게 제시합니다.



2.상복구공사에 드는 비용


원상복구공사에 드는 비용은 시설의 크기랑 상태,필요한 작업내용에 따라 다릅니다.

일반적으로는 철거랑 수복,보수등의 작업비용에 더하여 폐기물의 처분비용이랑 재료비등이 포함됩니다.

비용의 상세한 내용은 현지조사 및 견적의 단계에서 명확해지지만, 적절한 전문가와 상담하는것으로 예산을 정확하게 파악할수 있습니다.



3.희 회사에 의뢰하는 장점



저희 회사에 의뢰하는 장점은 전문지식과 풍부한 경험이 뒷받침으로 적절한 제안과 시공이 진행되는것입니다.

인테리어공사의 전문집단으로서 원상복구공사에 관한 지식과 경험을 살려 신속하고 효율있는 작업을 실현합니다.

손님의 요구에 유연하게 대응하고 적절한 해결책을 제안하는것과 함께 작업의 품질에 자신을 갖고 품질보증합니다.


저희 회사에 원상복구공사를 의뢰하는 장점은 아래와 같습니다.

●전문지식과 풍부한 경험:저희 회사는 인테리어공사의 전문집단이며 원상복구공사에 관한 풍부한 경험과 전문지식을 갖고 있습니다.

●신속한 대응:손님의 요구에 맞추어 신속하고 효율적인 작업을 진행합니다.계약종료일까지의 스케줄을 엄수하고 불필요한 지연을 초래하지 않습니다.

●커스텀형 서비스:손님의 요망이랑 예산에 맞추어서 최적한 해결책을 제안합니다.작업내용이랑 스케줄의 조정도 유연하게 대응합니다.

●품질보증:품질을 고집하여 작업의 품질에 자신이 있습니다. 손님께서 만족할수 있는 시공・마무리를 제공합니다.


저희 회사에 원상복구공사를 의뢰하는것으로 안심하고 사무실이랑 상업시설의 계약종료에 대비할수 있습니다.





사무실이랑 상업시설의 계약종료시에 필요한 원상복구공사는 여러가지 요소가 있으므로 정확한 대응이 요구됩니다.

구체적인 작업내용이랑 그 비용에 대하여 설명하고 전문지식과 경험을 가진 인테리어공사전문가의 중요성을 강조하였습니다.

그리고 저희 회사에 의뢰하는것으로 얻을수 있는 장점에 대하여서도 언급하고 안심하고 여러 준비작업에 대비할수 있다고 말하였습니다.

사무실이랑 상업시설의 계약종료에 해야 할 원상복구공사는 저희 회사에 상담해주십시오.



오피스빌딩테넌트(가게) 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.

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 으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 3빌딩 4

TEL : 0120-978-226


オフィスの原状回復工事の重要性と手順を解説|実例と共に 千代田区事務所

施工现场事例 | 埼玉县上尾市 多种租户楼层 新租户房产工事(室内装饰工事)

大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站

我们公司是 在东京都丰岛区池袋设立着办公室 ,在关东地区全域范围内正在从事施行 室内装饰最后加工工事・修复原状工事为主的室内装饰业界者,为客户服务。


此次,我们要介绍和说明一下 埼玉县内的施工情状,就是在某一个租户房产的新室内装饰工事。


租户房产的室内装饰地基工事,把店铺、办公室等空间为了美妙地做最后加工 是个非常重要的工程。






以 做确切的地基工事,好好地固定石膏板等,就确保安全性。













在最后加工工程,我们做室内装饰最后加工,即 涂装,粘贴壁纸,施工地板地面等。
因为轻钢地基 对稳定性和耐久性能有优势,所以 把最后加工材料的的施工进行得很顺利,而可以实现美丽的室内装饰空间。



轻钢地基是,适合于 要求耐久性能和稳定性之租户房产的室内装饰素材。









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我们的目标为 给客户供应「尽可能便宜的、质量高的好产品」。




地址: 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226

Construction site example | New tenant work (Interior decorative work) at a multi-purpose building in Ageo city, Saitama prefecture

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

We have been setting up our company office at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and we are an interior decorative construction work contractor, mainly taking charge of Interior decorative finishing work・Original state recovery and restoration work in all over Kanto district for you.


This time, we are introducing and explaining a construction situation in Saitama prefecture. It is a new interior decorative work of a certain tenant.


The interior decorative groundwork construction in the tent property is a very important process for finishing the space of shop, store, office and so on wonderfully.
We can realize a beautiful finishing result and long-term durability by doing the groundwork construction well.

Firstly, we are explaining the purpose of groundwork construction.
Groundwork construction is a work operation of neatening the surface of wall, floor, ceiling and so on evenly.
The main purposes of groundwork construction are as follows:


  • ●Adjusting, repair, mending of groundwork:
    By neatening the groundwork surface evenly, when doing finishing work of wall paper・so-called decorative cloth and so on, unevenness and 凹凸
    will be difficult to happen.
    By doing these, a beautiful finishing result can be realized.
  • ●Going up durability
    We strengthen itppropriately in the groundwork construction.
    By doing this, the strength of the interior decorative material and the durability will go up, so deterioration and damage by using long time will be reduced.
  • ●Stability:
    Groundwork work construction is an important process of securing wall and ceiling stability.
    By doing an appropriate groundwork construction, gypsum board and so on are fixed well, so the stability will be secured.




  • ●Installing steel frame:
     The first step of groundwork construction is installing runner.
    By cutting the runner to match the wall and ceiling suitable place, then we fix it at the accurate place.
    By using a laser measuring instrument or the like, while confirming horizontal and vertical level, we install the runner firmly.



We install stud. What is erected vertically against runner is stud.


  • ●Installing strengthening material:
    If it is required, we install a strengthening material.
    We sometimes install it at the open door part and so on, so it will enhance the structural strength and stability.
    By placing the strengthening material at the appropriate position, we will fix it with screw and so on.


  • ●Installing the board:
    The final process of light steel groundwork is installing the board.
    As a general board, there is gypsum board.
    By cutting the board to the suitable size, we install it to the light steel groundwork with screw.


  • ●Adjusting, repair, mending of groundwork::
    After the board work, we confirm the groundwork flatness.
    If it is necessary, we will adjust, repair, and/or mend it.
    In order to fill 凹凸 and cracks, we use a suitable repair and mending material.
    By using a repair and mending material, we secure the flatness of work surface, and enhance the finished quality.



  • ●Transferring to finishing process:
    After completing light steel groundwork construction, we proceed to the next process.
    In the finishing process, we do interior decorative finishing, such as painting, sticking wall paper, flooring, and so on.
    As light steel groundwork excels in stability and durability, the construction of finishing material will proceed smoothly, so it is possible to realize a beautiful interior decorative space.





The above is the basic flow of light steel groundwork construction procedure.
Light steel groundwork is a suitable material for tenant interior decoration which requires durability and stability.
For its construction, as the specialized knowledge and experience are necessary, we recommend you to request a well experienced construction contractor.


Please understand that we will execute construction in Japan only.




If you are considering to request us office building・tenant(shop or store)
original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work, relocation,
removal, renovation work, and so on,
please contact our company light heartedly by all means!


Instagram      X     Facebook  

You can also give us your relative inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion,
our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.

Our aim is, to supply
「reasonable construction work as much as possible,
with high quality, better work service」to our customers.



If you look for interior decorative work・
Returning to original state and restoration work in Ikebukuro,
Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot.Com.



4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome,
Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226


施工事例|埼玉県上尾市 雑居ビル 新規テナント工事(内装工事)