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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



시공예 「개수공사」슈퍼마켓


이케부쿠로를 중심으로 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있습니다.


오늘 소개해드리는것은 시공사례입니다.

도쿄세타가야구에 있는 슈퍼마켓점이며 공사의 종류는 「개수공사」에 해당됩니다.



건물의 수리뿐만아니라 건물의 기능성등을 높이기 위한 (업그레이드하는 공사)

공사를 말합니다.

예를 들면 지진이 일어나도 건물의 안전성이 유지되도록 내진개수공사를 실시하는것이랑 주거환경을 개선하기 위해 단열주택으로 공사하는것 등이 있습니다.

그리고 최근에는 고령자나 몸이 불편한 분,유모차를 이용하는 분을 위하여 배리어프리화거나 엘리베이터의 설치 등이 많이 진행되고 있습니다.


상기를 참조로 하여 이번의 계단의 개수공사를 소개해드리겠습니다.

시공전의 계단의 사진입니다.



손잡이도 없는 상태이며 바닥도 세면트가 그대로 노출된 상태이므로 위험하기에

개수공사를 진행합니다.


공사가 최종적으로 끝난후의 모습은 아래와 같습니다.


그럼, 마무리까지의 과정을 봅시다.


손잡이를 설치하는 장소에 틀을 잡고

허리벽에 화장석고판을 붙이느 작업을 합니다.


허리벽에 사용하는 화장석고판(방수석고보드)는

케이칼판을 기초로 표면에 아이카머레스시트(아이카공업주식회사의 상품)를 붙인 불연방수

석고보드를 사용합니다.


머레스시트는 내마모성,내오염성,내테이프박리,내약품성,내용제성이 뛰어난 고기능의 화장석고보드(방수석고보드)입니다.


이 화장석고보드를 허리벽의 사이즈를 측정하여 자릅니다.

그리고 손잡이를 설치하는 곳의 높이를 측정하여 구멍을 내여 가공해갑니다.


잘라낸 재료를 허리벽에 압착하여 붙이는 시공을 합니다.

화장보드를 압착하여 붙인 상태입니다.


압착붙임공법이란 습식공법으로 진행하는 벽타일의 시공방법입니다.

바탕의 모르타르면에 붙임 모르타르를 바르고 굳어지기전에 타일을 눌러 붙이는 방법을 말합니다.

※공식공법:물을 더해서 반죽한 재료를 바르거나 뿜칠해서 건조 경화에 의해 완성시키는 공법.


이 과정을 전체의 계단개소에 실시하여 손잡이를 붙이면 제일 위의 완성된 사진으로 되여갑니다.

이번의 개수공사의 특징으로서는 안전성,기능성의 향상을 목적으로 한 공사입니다.


시공사례의 소개는 이상입니다.


오피스리뉴얼상가리모델링등 인테리어공사원상회복공사 등 등

궁금하시는 사항에 있으시면 저희 사무실회복닷컴으로 문의해주세요.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.

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저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226


骨架施工工事是什么? 修复原状施工工事是什么? 

大家好!我们这里是办公室修复原状Dot Com网站。





首先,如果咱们使用因特网搜搜骨架施工工事的话,毕竟跟着一起出来 修复原状施工工事。










关于店铺的修复原状施工工事,我们下面来介绍必须知道和了解的几个要点。 贵方选择房产时,请参考一下。


修复原状施工工事,这就是 撤去设备,和进行地面地板、墙壁、天棚的修缮工事,为了下一家店铺开始租用的方便而做还原的施工工事。

























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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



What is skeleton?What is restoration construction work?

Hello everyone!We here are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are executing construction work professionally, mainly for office buildings of 【Interior decorative finishing work・Restoration work】, based at Ikebukuro, Tokyo. and all over Kanto area for you. Of course, we are also doing construction of various buildings.


Then, today, we are explaining,

Skeleton and office restoration construction work

In the first place, if we search the word of skeleton by internet, it will always come to appear with restoration construction work.

Skeleton is pointed to be complex of body structure such as pillar・beam・floor and so on which support building. 「Skeleton」which comes out when looking for shop or store property means room situation without interior decorative facility. In this case, the meaning is close to former decorative furnished property. Former decorative furnished property is the situation with interior decorative facility of former shop or store.

When moving into a property and exchanging contract sheet, in almost all the cases, property is presupposed to be returned to 「originally restored」skeleton situation when leaving out. That is, basic condition is 「skeleton renting, and skeleton return」.

Furthermore, if simply making summary, it means,

「Things which is used, please return with original situation」.

In the event of renting property, before moving out of it, it is necessary to restore it originally.

In the case of renting for living, vacant room cleaning is often carried out at the cost of tenant owner.

However, in the case of shop or store, renter is responsible for the cost generally before leaving out, and it is also described so in the contract sheet. As the term of restoring originally indicates, it is necessary to return with original situation before entering into the property.

Especially, if the room layout was greatly changed, it is necessary to repair or restore not only partition wall, but also ceiling, floor and so on.

In the event of entering into a property and open shop or store, it is necessary to consider probable arising cost when leaving out in advance.


We are going to explain a few points as follows which to be known and understood on restoration construction work of shop or store. Please refer to them for your reference of selecting property.


Restoring construction work is called to be a kind of work for returning to the original situation of moving out equipment, and carrying out repairing floor, wall, or ceiling, then enable the next shop or store renter to easily enter into the property.


In that case, there are two kinds of construction work, one is only restoring to original situation when own self entered into the propertybefore, and the other is skeleton work to take away all except building structure.


As for restoring construction work, as it is only necessary to restore to the situation when entered into the property by removing installed equipment and taking away partition wall and others, then return the property after re-covering cloth or floor.

While, in the case of skeleton work, it is necessary to move out all except basic structure such as beam, pillar, outside wall, and roof.

In the case of steel reinforced concrete building used for tenant, it is treated as the situation of undressed concrete.

The cost differs greatly whether it is required restoration work or required skeleton work.

However, there are a lot of cases to be required skeleton work as restoration work. In that case, it is a sequence of work of interior decorative demolition work, skeleton work, up to waste disposal.

In general, in the case of rented a property as skeleton situation, skeleton work is required before returning the property.


However, there still are exceptional cases.

Even though it is a former decorative furnished property, skeleton work may be required when returning property.

In accordance with the thought of restoring originally, the property is to be returned as former decorative furnished property situation.

When renting decorative furnished property, there is a merit of reducing cost of equipment or partition, too.

Instead of that, before leaving out of the property, there may be a contract of required as skeleton situation when returning it.

In the case of renting shop or store, we recommend you to be sure to check the contract with the lender properly.


That is all for our explanation today.


On 『office renewal・shop or store modifying decoration』, its interior decorative finishing work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

Please follow up our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook light heartedly.


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From price quotation up to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing and working by ourselves, so we are aiming to supply「most reasonable, high quality and good products」 to you.




★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




이케부쿠로를 중심으로 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있습니다.


오늘은 『FG보드』시공내용에 대해서 입니다.


FG보드란 곡면시공을 할수 있는 섬유강화석고보드입니다.

부드러운 색깔을 가지고 표면강도가 우수하고, 또한 곡면시공을 쉽게 할수 있는 불연보드입니다. 다양한 인테리어디자인에 폭넓은 가능성을 가져다줍니다.


유연성이 매우 좋기 때문에 완만한 곡면에 대해서는 그대로(드라이공법)으로 시공할수 있습니다.

물을 뿌려 수분을 흡수시키면 (Wet공법) 급격한 곡면의 시공도 가능합니다.

석고보드에 속하지만 인성은 유연한 보드에 필적합니다.

굴곡강도는 규산칼슘판보다 강하고 내충격성은 석고보드보다 우수합니다.


FG보드의 가공법은 보드에 물을 뿌려 곡면하지에 맞춰서 곡면시공하는것입니다.


물뿌리개로 살수하는 살수방법은 보드를 수평면에 놓고 한면에 살수하는 겨우는 물뿌린후 7~8분, 양면에 살수하는 경우는 한면에 물뿌린후 약3분, 또 다른 한면에 물뿌린후 약 3분, 각각 방치하고 판의 중심까지 충분히 흡수시킨후 시공합니다.

곡면을 더 아름답게 마무리할때는 (간이)형식으로 평탄하게 합니다.

더 아름다운 곡면을 내기 위하려면 2장을 붙이는것을 추천합니다.

그외에도 석고보드, 규산칼슘판에 비하여 차음성능이 우수합니다.


자주 사용하는 곳으로는

음악홀,병원,회관,쇼핑몰,가게,문화센트,호텔,체육관,지하공간등의 입구와 로비 외에,

충격에 견디는 학교벽등에 많이 유용하고 있습니다.


현장에서의 의견이지만,

겨울에 진행하면 정말 너무 춥다고 합니다.

살수에 꽤 많은 물을 사용하기에 당연히 많이 춥겠습니다.

여름에 하면 이 작업은 최고이겠지요!


인테리어공사등 생각하시는 분은 부담없이 저희 회사에 상담해주세요.


오늘은 이상입니다.


오피스리뉴얼상가리모델링등 인테리어공사원상회복공사 등 등

궁금하시는 사항에 있으시면 저희 사무실회복닷컴으로 문의해주세요.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.

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저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226



大家好!我们这里是办公室修复原状Dot Com网站博客。







1 ABC施工工事是什么?

1.1 关于A工事

1.2 关于B工事

1.3 关于C工事













































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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



What is ABC construction work?「A work・B work・C work」

Hello everyone!We here are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are a construction work contractor professionally of 【Interior decorative finishing work・Restoration work】, at Ikebukuro, Tokyo. for you.


Today, we are explaining ABC construction work.



Contents of the page


1 What is ABC work?

1.1 About A work

1.2 About B work

1.3 About C work


What is ABC work?

Construction work kinds of ABC works are divided into so called 《A work・B work・C work》.

Except for construction work contractors, real estate related business, these words seem to be unfamiliar words to you.


These ABC works are divided into who is responsible for cost allocation of interior decorative finishing work, and who will select work contractor.

According to the division, the specific costs come to vary greatly.

As work kinds of A, B or C as below differs according to the kind of buildings, we recommend you be sure to check to be applied to which work in advance.


About A work

As for A work, building owner is responsible for ordering construction work・selecting work contractor・cost responsibility, all of them.

The work details are building skeleton part, public facility related areas, building exterior, outside wall, roof, public toilet, elevator, stairway, fire-fighting facility, and drainage.

As these are construction work for keeping assets value of all the building, all the cost are borne by the owner.

A work has little to do with those who should move into its tenant.


About B work

B work is most difficult to understand.

The work order is from renter, the building owner will select work contractor, but the cost will be borne by renter.

It is a kind of work requested by renter, authorized by the building owner.

The work details are related to all building areas, such as air conditioning facility, drainage, ventilation, waterproof・flame-retardant facility, power distribution panel and so on.

As for facility equipped at individually owned space, if judged that it is related to whole building, it is often becoming B work. As it is a kind of work in the rented office area, the cost is borne by renter.


As it is impossible to select B work contractor by renter own self, cost control is difficult.

Even if the work kinds are almost the same this time and before, there is a probability of more costly case this time than expected. So, please be careful.


About C work

As for C work, the renter will order the work, select work contractor, and be responsible for the cost, all of them.

It is a kind of work which renter will order by obtaining permission in advance of building owner, such as the work in the tenant.

It is interior decorative finishing work in the tenant, household goods, lightening, electric work, and so on.

As the renter can select all, it is possible to control the cost, and choose own favorite work contractor.


We have so far explained ABC construction work.

If you shall rent tenant, almost all property must be recovered or restored, when leaving out.

If you understand construction work kind of A, B and C as above, it pays well and very useful to be able to understand the cost and possibility.

If you are thinking of considering your office relocation or so, please be sure to refer to the above information.


That is all for our explanation today.


On 『office renewal・shop or store modifying decoration』, its interior decorative finishing work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

Please follow up our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook light heartedly.


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From price quotation up to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing and working by ourselves, so we are aiming to supply「most reasonable, high quality and good products」 to you.




★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

FG 石膏板材的施工工事 

大家好!我们这里是办公室修复原状Dot Com网站博客的主管人员。









因为此产品的柔韧性非常好,所以在坡度比较少的曲面施工(叫做’’干工法’’)可以直接施工。 如果洒水(叫做’’湿工法’’),可以做更加严格弯曲面的施工。




























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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226


FG board construction work 

Hello everyone!We here are Office restoration Dot.Com. website blog personnel in charge.

We are doing decorative finishing construction work professionally of 【Interior decorative finishing work】generally・【Restoration work】, based at Ikebukuro, Tokyo, also in all over Kanto area, for you.


Today, we are explaining 『FG board』construction work details.


FG board is a fiber reinforced gypsum board possible to execute curved surface construction work.

This product is a noninflammable board having soft color and temperament with firmness, which moreover enables to easily realize severe curved construction work. It will bring wide range of possibility to various interior decorative design.


As its flexibility is very good, it can realize soft curved surface construction work as it is(=dry work method). If it is water sprinkled(=wet work method), further severe curved surface construction work will be possible.

Although it is gypsum based material, its toughness is equal to flexible board.

Its bending strength is stronger than calcium silicate board, and its shock resistance excels gypsum board.


The method to process FG board is, water sprinkling on board, executing construction work putting with curved surface bedding.

Water sprinkling method is, placing FG board on horizontal plane. Then, after sprinkling water, leaving it for 7 to 8 minutes, if sprinkling water from only either face. While leaving it for about 3 minutes each face respectively, if water sprinkling from the both faces. After fully soaked water to the center of board, then it can be executed construction work.

If requiring to make curved surface more beautifully finishing, by using (simple style) mold, carrying out preparatory activity.

If requiring to realize further more beautiful curved face, we recommend to carry on double layer sticking.

Besides, using FG board, there is other merit.

Its sound insulating property is better than gypsum board and calcium silicate board.


As for its often used places are,

entrance, lobby, music hall, hospital, member building, shopping mall, small shop or store, amusement facility, culture center, accommodation facility, gymnasium, underground walking space, nursing care facility, school wall which can endure shock resisting and so on.

It is being applied in wide ranges.


As an opinion from processing site, it seems that relative activity work in winter is awfully hard. (modest laughter!)

As construction site workers use a lot of water, the chances are that it may be getting very cold, right?

In summer, this activity is splendid, isn’t it?


If you would like to make your interior design dressed up, please be sure to take counsel with us!


That is all for our explanation today.


On 『office renewal・shop or store modifying decoration』, its interior decorative finishing work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

Please follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook light heartedly.

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From price quotation up to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing and working by ourselves, so we are aiming to supply「most reasonable, high quality and good products」 to you.




★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




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먹줄의 종류에 대해 소개해드리겠습니다.

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「정확하게 꼼꼼하게 확인하고 또 확인하는것이 능숙하게 표시를 하기 위한 포인트」라고 합니다.


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물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226
