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Inconspicuous basic glueing construction work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction finishing work at Ikebukuro area, Toshima, Tokyo at the midpoint and in all over Kanto area, for you.


Today, we are briefly explaining 「inconspicuous basic glueing construction work」.

「Inconspicuous basic glueing」is a technical term at architectural sites, pronouncing 「sutebari」in Japanese.

This site technical term is often used for interior finishing business, isn’t it?

The construction work details are:

  1. Among bedding purpose and finishing purpose, we designate former bedding purpose firstly of doubly glueing boards,
  2. For preventing crook or rage of hollow panel, it is necessary to glue similar quality material as finishing surface board on the back for bedding.

All at the wall, floor and ceiling, although these parts will be invisible finally, in order to finish visibly neat, we dare glue a board more, which is the present mainstream construction work method.

From here, the following pictures are for your reference:

In the first place, we mount LGS(=light gauge steel) bedding, then we glue PB(=plaster board) inconspicuously on it.

At this time, if we only glue a sheet at the wall, the bedding pitch is 303mm.

This time, as we glue one more decorative panel on this, we make the bedding pitch as 455mm.

Next, it is about the following picture.

We glue gypsum board and plywood inconspicuously.

The reason for using plywood is we attach monitor here.

According to the necessary specifications, bedding material may change.

This picture is inconspicuous basic glueing of ceiling board.


Our company consider efficiency very much, and supply high technology and quick work to our customers.


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We also welcome your inquiry from above marks.


From price offer to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves. By omitting needles margin in-between, we are supplying more reasonable and high quality and good products to you for cutting cost of our customers.

As we are confident, we welcome your comparing our offer price with others very much.

Office moving, housing apartment construction finishing work, restoration work, renovation work and so on.

「Which construction company should I ask to work?」

「As there are too many technical terms, it is difficult to get the meanings.」

「How much is the construction cost?」

Besides above also, if you are in trouble,

please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.


★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


大家好!我们是办公室修复Dot Com网站。




















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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



Hat joiner construction work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction of 『Interior restoration work』『Interior finishing work』at Ikebukuro area、Toshima ward, Tokyo metropolitan at the midpoint, also in all over Kanto area for you.


Today, we are explaining hat joiner construction work.

Gap or joint between two sheet of boards are generally called joint.

A kind of goods to place into the gap is hat joiner.

As the shape looks like silk hat, so it is called hat joiner.

For this construction work, we glue paste on the back side of the hat joiner, and go on embedding it into the board.

For the paste to prevent thickness, we cautiously go on our work.

If it happens to arise thickness, it will create level difference with other joint, which is not good.

We glued boards with paste neatly, and embedded joint into the gap.

At the construction work this time, as we paint at the upper part, while we glue cloth in the lower part, we need to do boundary work for this purpose.


That is all for today.

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We also welcome your inquiry from above marks.


From price offer to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves. By omitting needles margin in-between, we are supplying more reasonable and high quality and good products to you for cutting cost of our customers.

As we are confident, we welcome your comparing our offer price with others very much.

Office moving, housing apartment construction finishing work, restoration work, renovation work and so on.

「Which construction company should I ask to work?」

「As there are too many technical words, it is difficult to get the meanings.」

「How much is the construction cost?」

Besides above also, if you are in trouble,

please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.



★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

새로 구획된 공간이 필요하다면

안녕하세요. 사무실회복닷컴입니다.

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아래의 사진은 오늘 소개해드릴 현장사진입니다.

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여기는 작업에 사용하는 기구랑 경량철골등의 자재를 두는 곳입니다.

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상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226



大家好!我们是办公室修复Dot Com网站。

















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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



On foothold used for interior finishing construction work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction finishing work of 「Interior finishing work」「Interior restoration work」mainly at Ikebukuro area, the midpoint and also in all over Kanto area, for you.


This time, we are talking about,

Footholds which are used for interior finishing work as follows:

  1. Stepladder
  2. Scaffold
  3. Portable indoor foothold(safety base)





Firstly, it is「stepladder」which can be often seen at normal homes.

Stocked in two folds, and expanded at the place of working, we use it while leaning the body on the stepladder space or top board.

Incidentally, if the top board is shorter than 80cm, it is called 「step pedestal」. It is possible to work standing on top board.

(It is advisable not to work standing on it of the same length or longer than 80cm)

Besides, some products may be possible to use as 180 degrees development and use as a ladder, however, we have to pay attention to the strength of top board and the direction of leaning on inside or on outside.






As its name suggests, scaffold is a tool which is supposed to work on it, whose official name is 「portable work bench」.

It is possible to fold stepped parts. As it is also possible to expand the length of the board, depending on the height and the structure itself, it is also called 「scaffold ladder」 or 「expanded ladder」.

Compared with stepladder, as it is possible to move step parts only better, and also as it can be placed tools or others near when fixing the place, it is often used for ceiling and wall both works too.

Depending on the products, handrail or hand holding bar(bar to grasp when moving up and down, for enhancing stability) is attached to the product, so the product variation is abundant.


  1. Portable indoor foothold(safety base)


Portable indoor foothold(safety base)



Portable indoor foothold(safety base)

※Variety of the product names are used from the manufacturers.

Same as the first picture, we take out the product from the folded situation, then we use it to expand left and right directions at the work site.

As the caster is mounted, we can move it by rolling down to the work site, whose accessibility is awfully nice.

The picture shows, as the size is large, so it is not as easy as for handling than stepladder or scaffold, however, it is easy by far more when working at wide area.

We personally admit that when the surrounding is well arranged and the site is possible to move big tools in and out, it is one of the must (advisable to use) tools .


That is all for our explanation of foothold mainly used for interior finishing work.




Including ceiling, wall repair work, and painting work of course, as for your newly opening shop/store and renewal, please be sure to ask your inquiry to Office restoration Dot Com. website, light heartedly.


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From price offer to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves, so we are supplying more reasonable and high quality and good products to you.


Of course, we do not mind at all if you compare our offer price with other company’s, as we welcome it.

「Which construction company should I ask to work? How much is the approximate construction work cost? and so on.」

Besides above also, we are waiting for your questions.

『Office, shop or store, warehouse moving』, restoration work, reform work(interior finishing work) and so on.

Please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.




★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Using LGS(=light gauge steel) clipped ceiling construction site at「Bicycle parking space」

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction of 『Interior restoration work』『Interior finishing work』at Ikebukuro area at the midpoint, also in all over Kanto area for you.


Today, we are explaining a construction work site at a bicycle parking space of housing apartments.

At first, we will briefly explain to you what is 「clipped ceiling」.


Clipped ceiling is a kind of ceiling whose part is lower than other part.

It is often used at rooms of housing apartment.

For locating beam of steel enforced concrete, and overhanging exhaust air duct pipe space, clipped ceiling is adopted at the ceiling edge of a room.

This time it is at a bicycle parking space.

Then, we are going to explain to you with an actual example.                                 In order In order to conceal duct and wiring, we mount LGS below.

We conceal exhaust air duct which was visible.

It turned out to be hid neatly, didn’t it?


Then, that is all for today.


Please also visit our website again.


We are asking for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


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We also welcome your inquiry from above marks.


From price offer to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves. By omitting needles margin in-between, we are supplying more reasonable and high quality and good products to you for cutting cost of our customers.

As we are confident, we welcome your comparing our offer price with others very much.


Office moving, housing apartment construction finishing work, restoration work, renovation work and so on.

「Which construction company should I ask to work?」

「How much is the construction cost?」

Besides above also, if you are in trouble,

please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.



★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


大家好!我方是办公室修复Dot Com网站。



今天, 我们为一家租户的一部分做了施工现场的工事了。








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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



Inspection door installing work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction mainly of「Interior finishing work」「Interior restoration work」 at Ikebukuro area at the midpoint, also in all over Kanto area for you.


Today, we did our work at a construction site of a part of a room for our tenant customer.

As the request from the customer is installing work of inspection door, so we measure the size of board at the ceiling, and cut it, then do installing work at inspection door.

We do the work in an instant.


That is all for today.


We are waiting for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.


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From price offer to construction work finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves, so we are supplying more reasonable and high quality good products to you.


Of course, we do not mind at all if you compare our offer price with others, as we welcome it.

「Which construction company should I ask to work? How much is the construction cost? and so on.」

Besides above also, we are waiting for your questions.


『Office/shop and store/warehouse moving』, interior restoration work, reform work(interior finishing work) and so on.

Please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.



★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


大家好!我方是办公室修复Dot Com网站。















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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226
