
カテゴリー別アーカイブ: BLOG【English・中文・한국어】






虽然按照新建楼房单元的具体层次情况, 该施工工事期间也许特别长。




















~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 池  袋 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~



地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



Newly constructed housing apartment

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction of「Interior finishing work」「Interior restoration work」in all over Kanto area for you.


Today, we are going to upload our interim progress status of a newly constructed housing apartment at our blog more or less.

Although it depends on the number of the floor at the newly constructed housing apartment, the work period is awfully long.

We are doing work politely too, so as to finish the construction work in time


This work applies to construction work, as the work starts from vacant situation.

We are looking forward to the completion, aren’t we?


That is all for today.


. We are waiting for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.





From price offer to construction finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves.  So we are supplying more reasonable and high quality good products to you.


Of course, we do not mind at all if you compare our offer price with others, as we welcome it.

‘’Which construction company should I ask to work? How much is the construction cost?  and so on.’’

Besides above also, we are waiting for your questions.


『Office/shop and store/warehouse moving』, interior restoration work, reform work(interior finishing work) and so on.

Please feel free to contact us in the first place.



★If you look for interior finishing company, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

★If you look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Address:〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~









此工事也包括填塞窗框周围的水泥砂浆,弄好平面混泥土的修补工事等。 对于表面的最后加工主要使用灰砂浆托板。


















~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 池  袋 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~



地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226



Plasterer’s work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are mainly doing construction of「Interior finishing work」「Interior restoration work in all over Kanto area for you.


Today, we are explaining plasterer’s work.

Plasterer’s work is, kneading mortar, plaster, wall mud or other similar materials with water, and daubing on backing.

The work also includes filling mortar around sash, repairing work of fair-faced concrete and so on.

For the surface finishing, mortar board is used mainly.

There are several kinds of ordered mortar board, so according to the individual usage and plasterer’s technique, its charming point is, able to create variety of appearance and quality, which is different from ready-made products.


This time, we did the plasterer’s work of repairing floor operation.

It is rather difficult to flatten and get rid of unevenness at the floor.


That is all for today.


We are waiting for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.





From price offer to construction finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves, omitting our needles cost in-between. So we are supplying more reasonable and better products to you.


Of course, we do not mind at all if you compare our offer price with others, as we welcome it.

‘’Which construction company should I ask to work? How much is the construction cost?  and so on.’’

Besides above also, we are waiting for your questions.


『Office/shop and store/warehouse moving』, interior restoration work, reform work(interior finishing work) and so on.

Please feel free to contact us in the first place.


★If you look for interior finishing company, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

★If you look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Address:〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




안녕하십니까. 사무실회복닷컴입니다.

이케부쿠로를 중심으로 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있습니다.

오늘은 신축아파트공사의 진행경과를 조금 블로그에 올려보겠습니다.




신축아파트의 층수에도 따르지만 공사기간이 매우 깁니다.

꼼꼼이 공사하면서 납기에도 맞추도록 시공을 하고 있습니다.


이 공사는 건축공사에 해당됩니다.아무것도 없는 상태로부터 시작한 공사이기때문입니다.

완공이 기다려지네요.


오늘은 이상으로 소개를 끝마치고 담에 또 뵙겠습니다.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.



저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두사에서 실시함으로

고객님께「조금이라도 싸게, 그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까 등

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실, 상점, 창고의 이전,원상회복공사, 리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사) 등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226






LGS(=light gauge steel) pictorial images of variety designs

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction of「Interior restoration work」「Interior finishing work」mainly at Ikebukuro area, also in all over Kanto area for you.


This time, we are loading up variety of LGS(=light gauge steel) design pictures.

LGS as usual as below:

The next pictures are LGS for partition wall. The door column is independently worked.

The following are designability specific pictorial images.

This LGS work is very hard to do.

For our company, if you require specializing designability, we can answer for it. So please be sure to give us inquiry.


Finally, LGS at a highly brand clothes shop.

The construction work site picture of a shopping mall at a tenant.

It is very vast and the height to the ceiling is high.

If the surface designability is particular, the work of inside construction is sometimes hard to do. If you are on your mind, please be sure to take a look at variety o office building, tenant or so on, as the inside construction shape may be complicating or hard to grasp.

Then, we will sincerely welcome your coming again to our website.


Asking for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.




Inquiry from above marks is also possible.


From price offer to construction finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves, omitting needles cost in-between. So we are supplying more reasonable and better products and service to you.

As we are confident, we welcome your comparing our offer price with others.

Office moving, housing building room construction work, interior restoration work, renovation and so on.

‘’Which construction company should I ask to work?’’

‘’How much is the construction cost?’’

Besides above, if you are in trouble, please give us your inquiry in the first place.



★If you look for interior finishing company, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

★If you look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Address:〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



솔라톤와이드「ソーラトンワイド」(화장흡음)천장판 붙이는 작업

안녕하십니까. 사무실회복닷컴입니다.

이케부쿠로를 중심으로 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있습니다.


요즘 날씨가  많이 선선해져서 운동하기에 정말 많이 좋아졌네요.


그럼,오늘은 전에 소개한 화물하역작업에 이어서 반입한 솔라톤와이드를 붙이는

시공현장으로부터 소개해드리겠습니다.


먼저 솔라톤와이드에 대해 간단히 설명하겠습니다.

솔라톤와이드의 정식명칭은 요시노석고주식회사(吉野石膏株式会社)의


약어로 기재하겠습니다.

이번에 사용하는것은 피셔무늬의 솔라톤와이드입니다.

천장바탕에 직접 붙이는 타입으로 경량화하고, 공사기간단축에 기여하고 있다고합니다.



어제 작업의 계속으로 기초보드에 직접 붙입니다.

솔라톤와이드의 골판지를 개봉하여 준비하고 있습니다.

천장에 붙이는 작업과 천장의 개구작업을 동시에 진행하고 있습니다.


완성이미지는 다음에 소개해드릴게요.

또 블로그 읽어주세요. 감사합니다.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.



저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두사에서 실시함으로

고객님께「조금이라도 싸게, 그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까 등

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실, 상점, 창고의 이전,원상회복공사, 리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사) 등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.


~~~~~~~~~〜~이케부쿠로 〜~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226































~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 池  袋 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~



地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226


【시공사례】시부야쿠히로오 오피스빌딩 입주공사(이전공사)


도쿄도도시마쿠이케부쿠로에 본사,영업소가 있으며 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있는 인테리어회사입니다.


오늘 소개해드리는것은 사무실이전에 의한 입주공사입니다.


시공장소:도쿄도시부야쿠히로오 어느 한 오피스빌딩2-3층

시공기간:약 1주일간

시공내용:사무실이전에 의한 입주공사를 진행하고 현관문등 실내의 여러가지 곳의 경량철골공사와 보드공사를 맡아하였습니다.


그럼, 2곳의 시공사진을 소개해드리겠습니다.


현관앞의 문 시공사진




다음은 실내사진입니다.



석고보드를 붙이는 시공


커브(곡면,굽은)면에는 FG보드시공


바로 위에서 찍은 보드시공사진


안쪽에서 본 FG보드시공사진


이번에는 2곳의 시공장소를 소개해드렸습니다.

오피스빌딩의 이전,철퇴,리뉴얼 등의 상담,견적 부담없이 연락주세요.

오피스리뉴얼상가리모델링등 인테리어공사원상회복공사 등 등

궁금하시는 사항에 있으시면 저희 사무실회복닷컴으로 문의해주세요.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.

Instagram     Twitter     Facebook   

저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226


About interior finishing construction work and architecture construction work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing construction of「Interior restoration work」「Interior finishing work」mainly at Ikebukuro area, also in all over Kanto area for you.


Today, we are relaying from a work site, and explaining interior finishing work and architecture work.

In the first place, the following are the pictures of board glueing and processing work.

The difference between interior finishing work and architecture work:

The difference is whether the building is constructed from zero or not.

As for interior finishing work, we refer to actual work inside the architecture such as building or commercial facility.

Please do not confuse the two meanings, as the actual staff concerned are not similar kind often in architecture work and interior finishing work.


The actual work site we did this time is interior finishing work.


That is all for today.


Asking for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.



From price offer to construction finishing, our company is directly managing by ourselves, omitting our needles cost in-between. So we are supplying more reasonable and better products to you.

Of course, we do not mind at all if you compare our offer price with others, as we welcome it.

‘’Which construction company should I ask to work? How much is the construction cost?’’ and so on.

Besides above also, we are waiting for your question and inquiry.


『Office/shop and store/warehouse moving』, interior restoration work, reform work(interior finishing work) and so on.

Please feel free to contact us in the first place.



★If you look for interior finishing company, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

★If you look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask for Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Address:〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~