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【Construction work example】Relocation construction work(Partition wall work) at an office in Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku ward, Tokyo

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

Our company has an office at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and in all over Kanto district, we are an interior decorative construction work contractor executing construction work of interior decorative finishing work・recovery and restoration work mainly for you.

Please talk with us anything on your office interior decorative work request.


Construction work site example this time is, an office relocation at a game developing company.

We received a construction work request of making partition wall work to divide a room, because of the company moving in this new office.

By executing partitioning work, comfortable office space will be created.

Depending on partition kinds and materials to use, its feature differs, and depending on partition wall height too, its necessary work detail is going to be different each time.

By devising layout, it can sometimes reduce partition area, or it may be needless to use partition wall too. So, please consult with us light heartedly.


Construction work contents


Construction work kind :  Partition work associated with relocation construction work

Construction work site location :  at building office, 2-chome, Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku ward, Tokyo

Construction work period :  about 4 days partition work only

Construction work details

In the first place, in order to prevent from hurting the site during work operation, we execute  curing sheet, then unload the materials for using at the work operation.

We execute LGS (=light gauge steel) work where to partition room. For soundproof measures sake, we fill glass wool. When filling glass wool, after sticking one side of the board in the first place. After that, finished filling glass wool, we stick gypsum board. We stick double layer gypsum boards.

We do hat joint operation work, and finally execute putty treatment, then we transfer the site to the following work contractor.


The following are the construction work site pictures.


After LGS bedding work, we execute board wort+filling heat insulating material(finished curing).




After LGS bedding work, we execute board work+filling heat insulating material(finished curing).



After LGS bedding work, we execute board work+filling heat insulating material(finished curing).



We execute partition wall construction work.




Above are the construction work site pictures.


Please give us your relative inquiry light heartedly when you request us to execute office partitioning work.



Do you happen to forget about recovery and restoration construction work?

Before your relocation or moving out, it is necessary to「return the property to the original situation when just renting the office」.

As we can totally manage to arrange workers・work site for you, so you can greatly reduce time and intermediate cost(margin). Combining with your relocation・moving out plan, please also be sure to talk with Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. by all means.








If you are considering to request office building・tenant recovery and restoration work, moving in work, relocation, moving out, reform work and so on, please be sure to contact our company light heartedly!


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You can also inquire for your relative request from SNS social media. Please be sure to look at it together!


From price quotation up to construction work completion, our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves. Our aim is supplying 「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service」to our customers.


◇If you look for interior decorative construction work・recovery and restoration work at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot.Com.◇

Address: 〒171-0014

4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building

62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

【시공사례-개수공사】요코하마시 호도가야구 대학교 교내의 인테리어공사 천장(수리) 복귀공사


도쿄도 도시마구 이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 「인테리어공사전반」「원상복구공사」를 운영하고 있는 인테리어회사입니다.


이번에 소개해드리는것은 요코하마시 호도가야구에 있는 어느 한 대학교 교내의 천장수리의 시공사례입니다. 내용은 천장에 노수가 생겨서 개수공사를 진행하였습니다.


노수에 대하여 조금 해설하겠습니다.

노수는 배관등이 열화하여 수도관에서 물이 새는것을 말합니다.

천장에서 물이 새지 않아도 이러한 상태일때는 주의해야 합니다.

●천장이랑 벽에 얼룩이 있는 경우는, 이미 노수가 상당히 진행되어 있다는것을 설명합니다.

●노수에 의한 물이 천장안에 떨어져, 뚝 뚝 떨어지는 소리가 날때도 있습니다.

●노수에 의해 구조내부가 부식된 경우, 실내가 곰팡이의 냄새가 날수 있습니다.


이러한 경우는 반드시 방치하지 말고 전문업자에 확인해봅시다.


이번 공사의 상세한 내용은 아래와 같습니다.


공사현장:카나가와켄 요코하마시 호도가야구 대학교교내

공사기간:약 일주일

상세한 내용:

먼저 공사하는 부분에 보양을 진행하고 노수로 인해 손상된 천장을 철거하는 해체공사를 진행하고 그후에 복구작업을 진행하였습니다.

복구작업의 내용은 경량철골공사후 천장에 새로운 지푸톤(마감용천장보드)을 붙이는 작업을 진행하였습니다.



아래는 시공사진입니다.




경량철골공사공사,천장에 지푸톤(마감용천장보드)을 직접 붙인후


공사사진은 이상입니다.


작은 보수공사로부터 큰 개수공사까지 모두 부담없이 상담해주십시오.



아래의 노수에 관한 블로그도 참조해주십시오.

천장에서 누수가 발생하였을때 인테리어업자에 의한 현지조사의 순서( 일부예)


천장에서 누수가 발생하였을때 인테리어업자에 의한 현지조사의 순서( 일부예)




오피스빌딩의 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.


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으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.


도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226

【Construction work example-interior decorative construction work】Repair and recovery construction work of ceiling and floor at a ceremony house, in Kawasaki ward, Kawasaki city, Kanagawa Prefecture

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

Our company has an office at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and is an interior decorative finishing contractor company taking charge of executing full set of 【interior decorative work】【recovery and restoration work】, in all over Kanto area.


This time, we are explaining contents of repair and recovery work of ceiling and floor at a construction work site in a funeral parlor.


Repair and recovery construction work is,

If you have been using a tenant (shop or store) for a long time, there are hurts because of deterioration after a long term.

This situation can inevitably happen. So, if you predict its deterioration and execute mend and repair properly, enduring usage expectancy is prolonged. As a result, it is an important construction work which will lead to maintaining building life.


We suggest you talk about repair and recovery work (remedial work) with proper construction work contractors by all means.

Please also visit here for your reference.

Comparison between interior decorative construction work as DIY and requesting a contractor.




Then, followings are construction work details this time.


【Construction work example】

Construction work kind: Inter decorative construction work-repair and recovery work

Construction work site: a funeral hall at Yotsuya-kamichou, Kawasaki ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Construction work period: about 3 days

Construction work details:

Floor remedial work details: as the floor material(wooden material) is peeled off, we strip floor material, and also strip sound isolating sheet neatly. Then, we stick new tile carpet to the floor material.

Ceiling remedial work detail: as soon as floor remedy is completed, we do cure work operation, demolish the place of re-sticking ceiling board, and double-stick newly. After sticking gypsum board, we our work is completed by sticking Gyptone to the ceiling.

The point to be noted is, as we carry out sticking it around business use air-conditioner, we carefully do the work. Then, in order not to hurt the projector installed on the ceiling, we do cure work. After sticking board on the ceiling, we do work operation.


Then, followings are construction work pictures.

In the first place, it is remedial work of the floor.



Explaining merits of tile carpet as follows:

  • Abundant color variations
  • Various designing is possible, according to arrangement method.
  • There are sound insulating・temperature retaining・durable properties.
  • Easy to remove it partly.


If you are considering to request floor remedial work, please refer here by all means.


Next, it is a repair and recovery work site picture at the ceiling.


In the first place, we do cure work operation in order not to hurt around it.


Partition wall・floor curing work operation.



Next, we strip the board where to do repair and recovery work. As it is around the business use air-conditioner, we do it carefully.



We strip the first piece of Gyptone.




We peel off the second piece of gypsum board, and let LGS(=light gauge steel) to be bare.




After finish stripping all the places, we newly execute board work.


After the construction work is completed, we strip curing, and clean the site, then our work ends here.



Above all are the construction work site pictures.


If you are worried about shop or store(tenant)・office interior decorative【repair and recovery work・mending work・remedial work】, please talk with us light heartedly by all means.



If you are considering or studying office building・tenant(shop or store) recovery an restoration work, moving in work, relocation, moving out, reform work and so on, please contact our company light heartedly.


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It is possible to give us your inquiry from above SNS. So, please visit us at least once by all means.


From price quotation up to construction work completion, our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves. Our aim is supplying 「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service」to our customers.


🔹If you look for interior decorative construction work・recovery and restoration work at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot.Com.🔹

Address: 〒171-0014

4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building

62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

【리모델링공사】코우토우구 토요스아파트 인테리어공사 「칸막이벽작성」


도쿄도이케부쿠로를 중심으로 하여 관동일대에서 「인테리어공사」전반 「원상회복공사」를 운영하고 있는 인테리어회사입니다.



이번에 소개해드리는것은 아파트의 인테리어공사입니다.

「아파트」의 재배치(실내의 장식,가구의 배치를 바꾸는것 등의 인테리어변경)등으로  방을 더 만들고 싶다 등의 상담이 많아지고 있습니다.

방・객실을 만들고 싶을때는 벽을 만드는 간단한 파티션을 설치하는등 여러가지 방법이 있습니다.

이번에 소개해드리는것은 새로 벽을 만드는 공사입니다.

새로 경량철골뼈대를 짜고 석고보드를 붙이는 공사를 칸막이벽조작공사라고 하며, 마지막에 벽지공사를 시공하여 마무리합니다.



의뢰할때 임대의 경우는 롤스크린의 설치로 방을 나누거나 할수 있지만, 허가없이 리모델링을 하고 칸막이벽을 만들거나 쇠장식이나 나사로 벽에 구멍을 내여 벽이랑 파티션을 고정하는것처럼 DIY는 진행하지 않도록 주의합시다.

만약 진행하였다면 퇴거할때 원래의 상태로 복구하여야 합니다.

복구공사에 관하여서는 부담없이 저희 회사에 상담주십시오.

제대로 허가를 취한 경우만 시공가능함으로 우선은 관리회사,오너님에게 확인을 하고 나서 문의해주시면 좋습니다.



그럼, 상세한 시공내용을 봅시다.


공사현장:도쿄도 코우토우구 토요스 아파트1실

공사기간:약 이틀

공사내용:새로 방을 나누기 위한 칸막이벽의 작성입니다.

주위에 보양작업을 하고 경량철골공사를 진행한후 경량철골을 기준으로 보드를 붙이고 나사로 고정해갑니다. 보드를 작업이 끝난후,벽지공사를 진행하고 집청소후 넘깁니다.


일부의 시공사진은 아래와 같습니다.

사진은 이상입니다.


리모델링공사에 대한 블로그(일본어)도 참조해주십시오.



이번에는 약 2일간으로 전공정이 끝났습니다.

「방을 두개로 만들고 싶다!」인 경우, 철거(해체)랑 ,목공공사,전기공사등이 있거나 하기에 공사내용,비용,기간이 길어질수도 있습니다.


방의 이미지를 바꾸고 싶다 등에 관한 상담은 부담없이 저희 회사로 연락주세요.



피스빌딩・테넌트의 원상복구공사,입구공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 생각하신다면 저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 부담없이 연락주세요.


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SNS로부터도 문의가능합니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 감사합니다.


저희 회사는 견적부터 시공완료까지 전부 당사에서 진행함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하는것을 목표로 하여 운영하고 있습니다.


◆도시마구이케부쿠로 인테리어공사・원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴으로


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226

【시공사례】오다와라시리모델링 자동차학교


도쿄도도시마쿠이케부쿠로에 본사,영업소가 있으며 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있는 인테리어회사입니다.


이번에 소개해드리는것은 자동차학교의 리모델링공사입니다.


공사현장:카나가와켄 오다와라시에 있는 자동차학교

시공기간:약 3일간

시공내용:방의 칸막이벽을 만들기 위한 경량철골공사와 보드공사입니다.


이번에는 테넌트가 넓기 때문에 칸막이벽으로 방을 나눠 드렸습니다.

넓은 공간을 유효활용하는데 추천드리는 방법입니다.

방을 나누고 싶다등 칸막이벽의 설치에 관한 상담,견적 부담없이 연락주세요.



오피스리뉴얼상가리모델링등 인테리어공사원상회복공사 등 등

궁금하시는 사항에 있으시면 저희 사무실회복닷컴으로 문의해주세요.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.

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저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


물론,다른 회사와 비교해도 괜찮습니다. 비교견적도 환영합니다.

어디에 의뢰하면 좋을까요? 공사비용은 얼마일까

상기외의 질문도 언제든지 연락주세요.

사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226



大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站




















施工现场:神奈川县川崎市川崎区 四谷上町 殡仪馆















  • ●色彩种类很丰富
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如果贵方想找丰岛区池袋的室内装饰施工工事修复原状工事,务必找办公室修复原状Dot Com


地址:东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226

【整建整修施工工事】江东区丰洲 楼房住宅单元 室内装饰施工工事「制作间隔壁」

大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站




















施工现场:东京都江东区丰洲 楼房住宅单元里的一屋



























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如果贵方想找丰岛区池袋的室内装饰施工工事修复原状工事,务必找办公室修复原状Dot Com网站


地址:东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226

【 Reform construction work 】Interior decorative construction work「 making partition wall 」at a housing apartment in Toyosu, Koutou ward

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot. Com. website.

Our company is an interior decorative finishing work contractor company executing construction work of【 interior decorative finishing work 】generally, 【recovery and restoration work】, in Tokyo, the midpoint and all over Kanto area.


What we are explaining this time is, a decorative construction work site at a housing apartment.

There have been increasing requests coming to us of adding rooms or so at「 housing apartment ・ ordinary apartment 」modifying or so on for these few years recently.

When you would like to make a room ・ single or private room, there are various methods of establishing simple and easy partition or so.

What we are explaining here is, a construction work of making new wall.

Construction work of establishing LGS (=light gauge steel) ,and sticking board newly is called partition wall bedding construction work inside, and our work is completed finishing by the construction work of executing so-called decorative cloth work finally.


If you should request construction work, in the case of rented property, it is possible to divide a room by installing rolling screen or the like. However, please be cautious not to carry out reforming to make partition wall, or to open a hole on the wall by using metallic fitting or screw and fixing the wall or partition by do-it-yourself, without prior permission.


If you should have done it without permission, then you have to return to the original situation before leaving out from the property.

In the case of your requesting this kind of remedial work of property to us, please be sure to talk with us light heartedly.


As above construction work is possible only after obtaining proper permission, so, in the first place, it is advisable to check the management company or the owner , and give your inquiry to a construction work company.


Then, the following are the construction work details this time:


Construction work kind: reform work

Construction work site: a room of housing apartment, Toyosu , Koutou ward, Tokyo

Construction work period: about 2 days

Construction work details:

Making new partition wall at a room.

We cure surroundings, execute LGS work, stick board as LGS standard, then go on fixing with screw. After finish sticking board, we re-stick so-called decorative cloth and carry out cleaning, then hand the property to the customer.


The Following are part of construction pictures:



Above are the construction work site pictures this time.

On reform work and the like, please also refer here by all means.



This time, all of our construction work process completed in about 2 days.


In the case of ambiguously「 would like to make a room into two rooms」, chances are that construction work contents, cost, and period will increase or so, as it may require demolition, carpenter work, or electric work.


If you would like to change your room image, please be sure to talk with us light heartedly.






If you are considering or studying office building ・ tenant (shop or store) recovery an restoration work, moving in work, relocation, relocation, reform work and so on, please be sure to contact our company light heartedly.


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It is possible to give us your inquiry from above SNS. So, please be sure to visit us at least once.


From price quotation up to construction work completion, our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves, so our aim is supplying 「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service 」to our customers.


◆If you look for interior decorative construction work ・recovery and restoration work at Ikebukuro,
Toshima ward, please visit Office restoration Dot. Com.◆

Address: 〒171-0014

4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building

62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

【시공사례】히가시이케부쿠로 오피스빌딩개수공사


도쿄도이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있는 인테리어회사입니다.


이번에는 오피스빌딩의 천장개수공사의 시공예를 소개해드리겠습니다.


시공현장:도쿄도 도시마구 히가시이케부쿠로 1쵸메

시공기간:약 하루

시공내용:천장에 달려 있는 조명을 제거하고 지푸톤(Gyptone/마무리용화장석고보드)을 붙이고 빈틈을 코킹으로 메우고 원래의 천장으로 고치는 작업입니다.


먼저 조명을 제거한후의 사진입니다.


구멍이 난 곳에 지푸톤(Gyptone/마무리용화장석고보드)을 가공하여 붙입니다.


빈틈에는 코킹재로 메웁니다.


시공기간도 짧고 깨끗하게 마무리 되였습니다.

개수공사등에 관한 상담은 부담없이 저희 회사로 연락주세요.



오피스빌딩의 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.


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으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.


~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226


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地址:东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226