Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.
We are doing decorative finishing construction work professionally of 『Interior decorative work』『Restoration work』and the like, mainly at Ikebukuro area, Tokyo, and also in all over Kanto area, for you.
It is the following article continuing from the last time, explaining fire outbreak countermeasures.
Then, it is the main subject about room after fire outbreak.

When you should encounter fire outbreak, what kind of reform construction work is possible varies depending on site situations.
In some cases of repairing work, there may be a possibility not to be able to fully cover the cost of damage, and necessary to consider to reconstruct the building or house.
「Is it possible to restore original situation?」
「Do not know what to do.」
If you should feel uneasy as above, there are two important matters to check!
They are「field survey」and「fire insurance」!
Why they are important, we are explaining one by one, aren’t we?
At first, it is concerning 「asking field survey for professionals」.
Whether it is possible or not for reforming(or renovation) after the building or house encountered fire outbreak, it is very difficult to judge without field survey.
We shall check the following two matters mainly in field survey.
- Damage situation of the building
Determining whether it is possible to reuse certain parts or not.
It is also becoming very important to judge if it is possible to carry out repair method such as reform or renovation explaining later, and what kind of method is suitable.
- Smelling or not after fire extinguishment
At the site of fire outbreak, after the end of fire, a kind of special smell burnt to a crisp of building materials and so on so-called fire smell may remain.
It is said that some people react against even only a little smell nervously, if leaving things as it may greatly affect human body.
If you consider to live in the same house continuously, it is necessary to take away fire smell.
If we hear of 「fire insurance」, it is easy to hold an image that its insurance is for preparing for fire outbreak, isn’t it?
However, there may not be many of you who do not fully grasp and understand until where fire insurance is really compensating, may there?
In order not to panic when necessity happens to arise, it is safe to precisely check in advance.
Basic rule of fire insurance is payment up to actual loss.
That is, it is not possible basically to receive amount of money more than actual loss.
Depending on the contract details of insurance, maximum amount of insurance is decided, and insurance amount only may not actually fully cover the damage cost. Guaranteed limit may be different. So, if you already bought insurance, we suggest you check the details.
When you are buying insurance, we think that you may have decided the compensate scope is whether 「building」,「household property」 or 「both of building and household property」.
In the event of requesting amount of fire insurance, required indispensable item is the picture of house encountered fire outbreak.
When you request fire insurance compensation, if the contractor has ever had work performance applying for fire insurance before, it is an encouraging matter. So, please check if there was this kind of fact before from the contractor when you consider to choose one.
Then, as to reform and renovation, there are not clear definition difference of the two words.
However, in general, 「reform」is repair for building restoration or partly repair decoration at defected place, while「renovation」 means remodeling work for adding new function or value.
In a few words,
Reform=returning to original situation
Renovation=newly remake
There are these kinds of differences as above!
And, for these two, it is not that either is better or worse, either will be changing to be chosen according to the purposes.
Then, which is more recommendable in the corresponding cases, we are going on explaining with checking merit and demerit of reform and renovation.
Reform is an often adopted work when partly repair is necessary case, not a whole building.
・Cost may be relatively diminished, depending on the scale of work.
・Work period is short.
・Able to still live in the site during work too, depending on the scale of the site.
・「Improved interior traffic line」,「Want to add facility」and so on, it is merit and demerit especially as newly adding value of difficult work scale is limited, isn’t it?
As all these totally considered, it can be probably said that reform is suitable for a case of fire damage situation relatively small.
As for renovation, it is a large scale repair work whose work scale may extend to a whole building.
It is possible to change space into further easier to live in than before by enhancing function such as fire resisting property and earthquake resisting property and so on, or by changing layout.
・Work cost is relatively high.
・Work period is long.
・Necessary to look for a temporal place to live in, depending on work scale and period.
There is 「skeleton reform」which is also used with the similar meaning as renovation.
Skeleton reform is a kind of work, demolishing almost all except building skeleton such as poles, base and others. It may also be expressed as「full renovation」 or 「skeleton renovation」。
To express just in a few words, it is not too much to say that skeleton reform is a step before full reconstruction, almost newly construction.
Of course, as it may be going to be more costly, understanding that there is a method of re-birth as same as newly construction work of even formerly encountered fire outbreak housing too, it seems that choice is going to be far more wider.

Then, that is all for our explanations today.
On 『Personal residence・office renewal・shop or store repair decoration』and its interior finishing decoration work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~