
月別アーカイブ: 2022年2月















国土交通省 (建設キャリアアップシステムの構築
















『オフィスリニューアル・店舗改装』内装工事・原状回復工事 等々、悩んでる方は



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東京都豊島区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第3ビル4階






LGS(=light gauge steel)

Hello everyone!We here are Office restoration Dot.Com. website blog.


We are doing decorative finishing construction work professionally of 《Interior decorative finishing work》《Restoration work》, mainly at Ikebukuro area , Tokyo, also in all over Kanto area, for you.


Today, we are explaining the word of『LGS』which may be often heard at construction sites.

For those who are working at construction sites, we think that the word may be familiar to you. However, I personally was not very sure about this word very well until checking it. (I have pretended to be know-it-all about this word and have been spending days lazily.(Ashamed smile!)).

I checked well this time.

At first, this LGS↓

Metal in this picture looks like silver colored iron, doesn’t it?


It seems that this 『LGS』 is an abbreviation. The original words are,

Light Gauge Steel


Light Gauge Stud.

The meaning is 「light」「standard」「iron frame」, isn’t it?

This LGS is designated the material used for interior decorative work.

The above picture is a light weight shaped steel plate whose thickness is 1.6 mm~4.0 mm or so, and LGS is zinc galvanized 2 mm or so thickness of thin iron plate.


It seems that the cross section shape of C is relatively a lot. There are also groove shaped, mountain shaped, Z shaped and other shaped. It is used at buildings of steel constructed, steel reinforced concrete or so for bedding material of wall and ceiling.

The single material is a rodlike component. There are several kinds of it. Using bis or accessory to fasten it, we go on making and form into variety of complex shape.

Wall and ceiling are made by LGS. Firstly, in the case of wall bedding, roll forming zinc galvanized steel plate, the mounted product is formed by C shape cross section made stringer(=stud), beam(=runner) to set up floor surface and slab surface, spacer to prevent modification of stringer(=stud), and so on.


LGS is sometimes also used for partition wall bedding, which is called partition between light steel to another light steel too. There are sizes from 50 type~ up to100 type. When used as partition wall bedding, it is often called as stud 1, not LGS.

As gypsum board is sticked on LGS, and further sticked wall paper(or cloth), so it is usually invisible.

Ceiling bedding mounted by LGS is called light ceiling.

LGS is mainly used for construction of steel structure reinforced concrete building, However, in recent years, it has been also used for wooden residence.


A big difference between LGS(=light steel structure) and wooden structure is if there is typical wood made crook, curb, or crack, and construction workability is good, or not. So, it is often used for housing apartment, office, shop or store, and so on, for many places.

We explained the point of what is LGS on earth so far as above. Did this let you understand well for your reference?

As our company is receiving a lot of LGS work requests, and our relative construction performance so far is abundant.

If you are looking for construction work contractor which is willing to respond to construction period or so flexibly, we are especially happy to accept your work request in Kanto area, please be sure to consult with our company.

On 『Office renewal・shop or store renewal decoration』and its interior decorative finishing work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

Please follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook light heartedly.



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From price offer to construction decorative finishing work, our company is directly managing and working by ourselves, so we are aiming to supply「most reasonable, high quality and good products」 to you.





★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


大家好!我们这里是办公室修复原状Dot Com网站博客。

















・芯墨(日语发音:shin-zumi):在柱子或墙壁成为中心位置 表示的墨。


划基准线作业是 钢筋工事、模框工事、固定装置工事、五金工事等,在很多工事,把设计图纸画地和实物大小相同。



















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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226


Marking base line work

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website blog.


Today, we are explaining【marking base line work】.

What is marking base line work?

Is it related to calligraphy using Japanese ink?

We would like to briefly explain to those who do not know about it well.


Marking base line work seems to be considered one of the important operation works to grasp design drawing and actual position. From the start to the end, it is connected with each site, and it is also related to various works.

It is a kind of operation work to write out necessary various base lines for the work on site ground and others.

We will explain especially for those who do not understand base lines,

It is base line to be when dividing measurement, placement and so on for design and processing of building and work piece and others, We measure the size from this line.


Two technical workers cooperate, and the one holds the base point, the other draw the ink line by prolonging the inked thread.

Writing out center line of pillar, wall and others is called 「centering」.

When marking base line work, dipping thread in ink pot and the like, and undip the thread, then you can draw straight line.

There are many kinds of ink pot(=operating tool), for your reference↓

We would like to explain kinds of marking base lines as follows.

・Land marking base line ink: ink to indicate horizontal line to make level standard on each floor.

・Center marking base line core ink: ink to indicate, becoming center place of pillar or wall.

・Return marking base line ink: ink at certain constant distance indicating actual distance(for example 1 m or 0.5 m) when unable to mark on concrete as existing of hindrance.

When marking base line, as for steel structure reinforcement work, concrete formwork, fixture work, metal work and so on, for many kind of works, the design drawing is drawn as actual size.

For this operation work, the right highly precisional positioning in accordance with the design drawing is required.

Nowadays, lightening laser by laser irradiator, the method of marking along the base line is also exercised.

Using laser by laser irradiator, it is easy to check if building pillar・wall・ceiling and others are at right angle and horizontal.

Did you understand above of our explanation even a little?


Marking is a necessary operation work for writing out various base lines.

In the event of making building, marking base line is an important process concerning from the start to the final.

Without exercising this operation accurately, it is impossible to construct the building properly.

When we ask our company staff worker about marking base line, the answer seems that

「In order not to arise base line gap, always be conscious of ‘’accuracy ’’ is the point of going on marking base line well.」.


That is all for our explanation today.


On 『Office renewal・shop or store renewal decoration』and its interior decorative finishing work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

Please follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook light heartedly.



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From price offer to construction decorative finishing work, our company is directly managing and working by ourselves, so we are aiming to supply「most reasonable, high quality and good products」 to you.





★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~











可撓性が非常に良いので、緩やかなカーブ面 の施工はそのまま(ドライ工法)施工できます。散水すると(ウェット工法)さらに厳しい湾 曲 面の施工が可能になります。


せっこう系でありながら、靱性はフレキシブル ボードに匹敵します。
曲げ強さは、けい酸カル シウム板より強く、耐衝撃性は、せっこうボードよりも優れています。



散水方法は、ボードを水平面に置き、片面から散水する場合は散水後7~8分、 両面から散水する場合は片面散水後約3分、さらに裏面散水後 約3分それぞれ放置し、板の中心部まで十分吸水させた後に、施工します。



いっそうきれいな曲面を出 す場合は、2層張りを行うことをおすすめします。


せっこうボード、けい酸カルシウム板に比べて 遮音性能が優れています。















『オフィスリニューアル・店舗改装』内装工事・原状回復工事 等々、悩んでる方は



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東京都豊島区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第3ビル4階







안녕하세요. 사무실회복닷컴입니다.

이케부쿠로를 중심으로 관동일대에서「원상회복공사」「인테리어공사」를 운영하고 있습니다.


오늘은 이제 곧 완성될 오락시설의 현장사진을 소개해드리겠습니다.


저희 회사는 오피스뿐만아니라 여러 곳(업종)에서 의뢰를 받고 있습니다.

지금은 오락시설의 시공을 맡아하고 있습니다.



보는것 만으로도 재미있고 너무 기대됩니다.

시설전체에 LGS공사, 보드공사 등 여러가지 작업을 꼼꼼하게 하였습니다.


완성되는것이 정말 기대됩니다.



오피스는 물론 오피스이외의 인테리어공사도 실적이 많습니다.

궁금하시는 사항에 있으시면 저희 사무실회복닷컴으로 문의해주세요.


「Instagram、Twitter、Facebook」팔로우와 좋아요 잘 부탁드립니다.

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저희 회사는 견적에서 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

손님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하고 있습니다.


사무실상점창고의 이전,원상회복공사리모델링공사 (인테리어 공사등등

우선은 부담없이 문의해주세요.

~~~~~~~~~~이케부쿠로 ~~~~~~~~~~

★ 이케부쿠로 인테리어업체라면 사무실회복닷컴 ★

★ 도쿄의 원상회복공사도 사무실회복닷컴 ★


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 제3빌딩 4층

TEL : 0120-978-226



大家好!我们是办公室修复Dot Com网站。

















  • 该建筑物的受损害状况



  • 火灾失火后有没有臭味























































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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226


Reform after fire disaster《Latter part》

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing decorative finishing construction work professionally of 『Interior decorative work』『Restoration work』and the like, mainly at Ikebukuro area, Tokyo, and also in all over Kanto area, for you.


It is the following article continuing from the last time, explaining fire outbreak countermeasures.


Then, it is the main subject about room after fire outbreak.

When you should encounter fire outbreak, what kind of reform construction work is possible varies depending on site situations.

In some cases of repairing work, there may be a possibility not to be able to fully cover the cost of damage, and necessary to consider to reconstruct the building or house.

「Is it possible to restore original situation?」

「Do not know what to do.」

If you should feel uneasy as above, there are two important matters to check!

They are「field survey」and「fire insurance」!

Why they are important, we are explaining one by one, aren’t we?

At first, it is concerning 「asking field survey for professionals」.

Whether it is possible or not for reforming(or renovation) after the building or house encountered fire outbreak, it is very difficult to judge without field survey.

We shall check the following two matters mainly in field survey.


  • Damage situation of the building

Determining whether it is possible to reuse certain parts or not.


It is also becoming very important to judge if it is possible to carry out repair method such as reform or renovation explaining later, and what kind of method is suitable.


  • Smelling or not after fire extinguishment

At the site of fire outbreak, after the end of fire, a kind of special smell burnt to a crisp of building materials and so on so-called fire smell may remain.

It is said that some people react against even only a little smell nervously, if leaving things as it may greatly affect human body.

If you consider to live in the same house continuously, it is necessary to take away fire smell.

If we hear of 「fire insurance」, it is easy to hold an image that its insurance is for preparing for fire outbreak, isn’t it?

However, there may not be many of you who do not fully grasp and understand until where fire insurance is really compensating, may there?

In order not to panic when necessity happens to arise, it is safe to precisely check in advance.

Basic rule of fire insurance is payment up to actual loss.

That is, it is not possible basically to receive amount of money more than actual loss.

Depending on the contract details of insurance, maximum amount of insurance is decided, and insurance amount only may not actually fully cover the damage cost. Guaranteed limit may be different. So, if you already bought insurance, we suggest you check the details.


When you are buying insurance, we think that you may have decided the compensate scope is whether 「building」,「household property」 or 「both of building and household property」.

In the event of requesting amount of fire insurance, required indispensable item is the picture of house encountered fire outbreak.


When you request fire insurance compensation, if the contractor has ever had work performance applying for fire insurance before, it is an encouraging matter. So, please check if there was this kind of fact before from the contractor when you consider to choose one.


Then, as to reform and renovation, there are not clear definition difference of the two words.

However, in general, 「reform」is repair for building restoration or partly repair decoration at defected place, while「renovation」 means remodeling work for adding new function or value.


In a few words,

Reform=returning to original situation

Renovation=newly remake

There are these kinds of differences as above!


And, for these two, it is not that either is better or worse, either will be changing to be chosen according to the purposes.

Then, which is more recommendable in the corresponding cases, we are going on explaining with checking merit and demerit of reform and renovation.


Reform is an often adopted work when partly repair is necessary case, not a whole building.



・Cost may be relatively diminished, depending on the scale of work.

・Work period is short.

・Able to still live in the site during work too, depending on the scale of the site.



・「Improved interior traffic line」,「Want to add facility」and so on, it is merit and demerit especially as newly adding value of difficult work scale is limited, isn’t it?


As all these totally considered, it can be probably said that reform is suitable for a case of fire damage situation relatively small.

As for renovation, it is a large scale repair work whose work scale may extend to a whole building.



It is possible to change space into further easier to live in than before by enhancing function such as fire resisting property and earthquake resisting property and so on, or by changing layout.



・Work cost is relatively high.

・Work period is long.

・Necessary to look for a temporal place to live in, depending on work scale and period.


There is 「skeleton reform」which is also used with the similar meaning as renovation.

Skeleton reform is a kind of work, demolishing almost all except building skeleton such as poles, base and others. It may also be expressed as「full renovation」 or 「skeleton renovation」。

To express just in a few words, it is not too much to say that skeleton reform is a step before full reconstruction, almost newly construction.

Of course, as it may be going to be more costly, understanding that there is a method of re-birth as same as newly construction work of even formerly encountered fire outbreak housing too, it seems that choice is going to be far more wider.


Then, that is all for our explanations today.






On 『Personal residence・office renewal・shop or store repair decoration』and its interior finishing decoration work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

We are waiting for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.



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From price offer to construction finishing decoration work, our company is directly managing by ourselves, so we are supplying more reasonable and high quality and good products to you.



★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


大家好!我们是办公室修复Dot Com网站。






























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★如果贵方想找池袋的室内装饰单位,务必来找办公室修复Dot .Com.网站★


地址: 〒171-0014 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226


Reform after fire disaster《Former part》

Hello!We are Office restoration Dot.Com. website.

We are doing decorative finishing construction work professionally of 『Interior decorative work』『Restoration work』and the like, mainly at Ikebukuro area, Tokyo, and also in all over Kanto area, for you.


In winter season, it is getting awfully dry, isn’t it?

In winter, please be cautious of fire! Understanding cause of fire outbreak and countermeasures.

Every year when winter comes, we often hear nationwide news of fire disasters reported by the press.

The other day, a fire broke out in our neighborhood area. As we were concerned about renovation and reform after fire, we checked it.

We should be careful of fire outbreak throughout the whole year. However, how about reviewing fire outbreak countermeasures at your residence again this season? In this article, we are explaining relative countermeasures and the room after fire outbreak twice separately, this time and next time.

Fire outbreak cause and countermeasures

As for the factor, as we already stated as above, drying of the air is being considered to be the utmost cause.

As for air, if the temperature is the higher, containable moisture amount becomes the more. While temperature is the lower, containable moisture amount becomes less. Therefore, during winter when temperature is relatively low, the air becomes very dry.

In addition, even if warming up dry air from originally low temperature by using heating appliances, moisture amount contained in the air does not change, so it still remains dry..


As for the factor of fire outbreak,

The biggest factor is cigarette, the followings are setting fire consciously, cooking stove, bonfire. There are various causes, aren’t there? Among these, we are especially explaining things to be noted and countermeasures of matters to be noted at your residence.


At first, in order to prevent cigarette fire outbreak, let us thoroughly check「Smoking cigarette only at safe and designated places」「Never smoke when sleeping」「Check again before going out or before going to bed」!

Especially in winter causing fire outbreak, we can point out heating appliance of stove and others.


What we should especially be cautious is fire outbreak caused by 「electric heater」. Compared with kerosene stove, the impression seems to be safe as it does not use fire for heating. However, according to the survey of Tokyo metropolitan Fire and Disaster Management Agency, in reality, the fact is that 70% or more than 70% of fire outbreak is caused by kerosene stove fire.

The best countermeasure is 「Do not put easy to burn things close to or around kerosene stove」. Furthermore, even if you are careful, by some chance, there is a possibility that cloth or easy to burn things happen to touch, or fall down near kerosene stove. So, let us be sure to definitely put out fire before going out or sleeping and the like, if you take your eyes off for long time.


Then, that is all for today.


On 『Your personal residence・office renewal・shop or store renovation』and its interior decoration work・restoration work and so on, if you are in trouble or worried, please feel free to give us your inquiry in the first place.

We are waiting for your follow up of our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.



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From price offer to construction finishing decoration work, our company is directly managing by ourselves, so we are supplying more reasonable and high quality and good products to you.





★If you look for interior finishing company in Ikebukuro, ask Office restoration Dot.Com★

★If you also look for office restoration work in Tokyo, ask Office restoration Dot.Com.★

Our address: 〒171-0014 4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building, 62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INTERIOR FINISHING COMPANY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~